Saturday, November 8, 2008

Rainy Days and Saturdays

This is a "typical" picture of me on a Saturday afternoon.

On the couch, feet up, news on the television or radio (Countdown from last night right now) and a book on my chest (Then We Came to the End).

It is a very nice way to spend an afternoon.
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Get Your War On

Just watch.

Try not to laugh.

"Whatever scares you most"

A Parent Teacher Conference

So, President-Elect Obama had a parent teacher conference yesterday.

When I watched this, so many things popped into my head...

I thought about writing something up about this and then went looking for links.

Well...someone beat me to it and did it much better than I did.


Friday, November 7, 2008

Behind the curve on this one

Barney bit a reporter?


Poor Reuters guy...

Nasty Scottie!!!


There is something nice about closing the door to my office and putting on Husker Du's Zen Arcade as a motivating factor to pound through work that I find to be dull and or tedious, which is most of my work as of late.

Creepy Blind Item of the Day

4) "Which young famous black performer didn't know the identity of his real father and thus wound up sleeping with his own sister? The young man (who we'll call Junior) was the product of an affair his mother had in the seventies with a talented married black celebrity (who we'll call Senior). Although there was the occasional wicked whisper because Junior and Senior resemble each other physically and have similar triple-threat talents, neither Senior nor the woman ever told anyone that Senior was Junior's father. They really thought they could keep things quiet, live separate lives, and carry the secret of Junior's true ancestry to their graves. The situation changed when Senior learned that his daughter from his second marriage had begun dating Junior. Very alarmed and needing to intervene without divulging his paternity, Senior quickly inserted himself into the situation, became Junior's friend and mentor, and forced the young couple to break up. It worked. Junior still doesn't know that Senior - whom he greatly admires - is his real father, or that his former girlfriend - to whom he lost his virginity - was his own half-sister." [BlindGossip]

Via Gawker

Pictures from a Halloween Party 10/25/2008

This is me, with a somewhat normal face, and no eye patch, a couple of days before I developed Bell's Palsy.

Election Day

My son was so proud that he could pull the lever for Senator Obama. Especially after the school election where he voted for McCain after hearing a classmate say that McCain was cooler because he had been in a war.

This is one of the reasons that I am perfectly willing to institute competence tests for those who want to exercise the privilege of voting.

Election Night

Barack Obama's Flickr Feed...


Gawker-er Ryan Tate claimed that you may start crying again.

Yeah... I did.

Also from Election Night....

I was hanging with some friends watching the returns on MSNBC...and I have a couple of friends who do not understand my unbridled fascination with Rachel Maddow (The Rachel Maddow Show and because she is wicked cool, Rachel's Twitter) however, when Rachel said that she was starting to tear up ("I tear up at buskers on the subway") I got an e-mail that said this...

Rachel's teary.

Fine. I give in.

She's f****** adorable.

Obama brought so many different people together.

Including bringing cynical Political Science A-B-Ds to the love of Rachel.

Some Links...

A) From the famous Balk:

Yes, John McCain could have taken the presidency this year. All he had to do—and pay attention, political operatives, because this is vital—was win the Democratic nomination. The rest would have been a breeze.

B) Palin's Diva Exit:

C) And in Albany, the Senate being controlled by the Dems is not a good thing...:

The Albany Times Union gives a great breakdown of the dysfunction in Albany...

D) And in DC...:

The Dems are tripping over themselves in the House as well...this time it is about Energy and Commerce...

Don't worry, GOPers, the Dems will screw this up before Obama gives his Inaugural Address.

The GLBT Vote for Obama

Nate outlines the demographics of the vote for Obama and breaks them down fairly well...

As he points out, Obama beats Kerry in almost every group...with one major exception.

The GLBT vote...

Obama underperformed Kerry by 7 points.  7 Points!

That's HUGE.

The question is...why?

Could it that there is some question regarding Obama's statements regarding same sex marriage that left a bad taste in the mouth of some voters?

This should be interesting to follow as more numbers come out.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

A Couple of Things (Politics)


Rove was pretty close to being right on.

I see Rove as a buffoon, however, one of my failings is that I will,
on occasion, fail to respect people whom I disagree with.

Rove may be evil, but that doesn't mean that he isn't really frakin' good.

B) If the Republican Party is going to implode, and it is going to,
does that mean a third way may come about? A centerist party that is
pro-equal rights (who cares who marries whom?), pro individual
responsibility (reproductive rights are an individual responsibility
question), strongly internationalist, fiscally responsible, and
respectful of difference while expressing our American commonality...

Would you join? Would it be something you could believe in?

C) If John McCain had picked Joe Lieberman, would the election have
been different?

It is almost 48 hours later...

And I am still happy and surprised and gratified that Obama is the
President-Elect of these United States.

It makes me happy for my child, and my nephew...that...

We may have started down a long road towards something wonderful.

Adding an image to this mistake...

Just checking to see if I can easily add an image to the posting via a mail interface.

A Bit of an Explanation

I just deleted all of my social networking places (except for Friendster and...seriously, who still goes to Friendster?).

LiveJournal? Gone.

Tumblr? Gone.

Twitter? Gone.

Even Facebook...Gone.

I want to be able to write again. I want to be able to say things that are disconnected from the craziness of real life.

Right now, I feel ugly. Having half a face does that to you.

I feel like a failure on so many levels.

I just need to take a breath and move on.

Maybe this space will be better.

Maybe I won't freak out and delete this as well...

For now, it's just a space for me to put things out there...when I feel like it.