Monday, September 17, 2012

Things that make me happy

It seems like a lot of you are having "a case of the Mondays". (Yes, it is Monday, and I am sorry that your weekend is over.)

So, I am going to share some things that I love.

TEA getting his geek on makes me happy.

The Drums singing about "Money"A

Beef and pork slow cooked over a smokey wood fire.

The feeling in your arms after a good workout, sore and shaky, that lets you know that you did something worthwhile.

Connecting with new people in hope that they are going to become friends and reconnecting with old friends with the hope that you will never have to reconnect again.

A crisp September morning with a gorgeous blue sky:

See? Perfect!

A suit jacket that fits...just right.

A freshly starched shirt and the perfectly tied Windsor knot.

The point where your mug of coffee is still warm but cool enough to drink normally.

What simple things make you happy?