My TL is NCAA hockey, the #BM100, and NYS politics.
— Edward “Ned” Abbott (@ewabbott) March 31, 2019
It is amazing.
from Twitter
This is my blog. I speak for no one but myself here. The words I write, the images I post, and the articles I link to interest no one but me. I stand by what I put here, however, it is not a reflection of time, effort, or particular care. I just want a clearinghouse of what does interest me and a space to spout out poorly written and thoughtout rants. Consider this a disclaimer.
My TL is NCAA hockey, the #BM100, and NYS politics.
— Edward “Ned” Abbott (@ewabbott) March 31, 2019
It is amazing.
Alexa reading @chris_churchill latest column had an actual profanity *bleep* and it has made my day.
— Edward “Ned” Abbott (@ewabbott) March 30, 2019
With a couple of (much faster) teammates from Ragnar ADK.
— Edward “Ned” Abbott (@ewabbott) March 30, 2019
WIN a $100 gift certificate for the awesome shoes and sandals from Xero Shoes (yes, from Shark Tank) -
— Edward “Ned” Abbott (@ewabbott) March 30, 2019
I had negative splits. Remarkably consistent but still a couple of seconds slower per mile. Huh?
— Edward “Ned” Abbott (@ewabbott) March 30, 2019
The conch has blown for the #BM100 and I am just running a 5k in Albany. #FatGuyRunning
— Edward “Ned” Abbott (@ewabbott) March 30, 2019
At Jennings Landing for the Icebreaker 5k in Albany and one of the rowers has a MAGA cap on. That’s a good look for @Albanyrowing.
— Edward “Ned” Abbott (@ewabbott) March 30, 2019
Happy Birthday, Batman.
— Edward “Ned” Abbott (@ewabbott) March 30, 2019
— Edward “Ned” Abbott (@ewabbott) March 30, 2019
Albany Rowing Center - Ice Breaker Challenge 5K
There is an entire subculture of angry middle aged white guys who are selling conspiracy, anger, hate, & the most ridiculous ideas to rubes. In addition, see The Blaze and Breitbart.
— Edward “Ned” Abbott (@ewabbott) March 30, 2019
You have to wash your reusable shopping bags. Not every time but regularly. The Post article is ridiculous and the people sharing it are...not that bright.
— Edward “Ned” Abbott (@ewabbott) March 30, 2019
SUNYA has a “College of Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security, and Cybersecurity”.
— Edward “Ned” Abbott (@ewabbott) March 30, 2019
Yeah, I am going to leave that there.
It is Opening Weekend for MLB (#LGM). It is the @NCAAIceHockey tournament! It is the #BM100.
— Edward “Ned” Abbott (@ewabbott) March 29, 2019
Also, I have a 5k. (And we should see 70º F tomorrow!)
It is a great weekend!
What I got from this article is that Chris Lopez, 34, of Suffolk, VA, is kind of a punk, more concerned about his notional virility than his partner.
— Edward “Ned” Abbott (@ewabbott) March 29, 2019
Why Don’t More American Men Get Vasectomies?
I feel for the people in Nebraska and Iowa that don’t have clean water.
— Edward “Ned” Abbott (@ewabbott) March 29, 2019
Neither does Hoosick Falls.
You can do it as one, inclusive, training. It has to be interactive. You need verification of attendance. You can hit the high points, how to be an advocate, and what is proper behavior in about 45 minutes.
— Edward “Ned” Abbott (@ewabbott) March 28, 2019
Went through the list.
— Edward “Ned” Abbott (@ewabbott) March 28, 2019
Vox populi, am I right?
At least they didn’t select Olive Garden as best Italian (sorry, @90210kat) but some of the others are just as...ugh.
I love living around here and hate it at the same time.
If your Twitter engagement is just a link to a Facebook post, you are doing it wrong.
— Edward “Ned” Abbott (@ewabbott) March 27, 2019
CC: @Brunswickcomlib
I do want to check this place out. It is "haunted". *snort*
— Edward “Ned” Abbott (@ewabbott) March 27, 2019
‘Dog Suicide Bridge’: Why Do So Many Pets Keep Leaping Into a Scottish Gorge?
— Edward “Ned” Abbott (@ewabbott) March 27, 2019
There is a literal "Actually" in this.
— Edward “Ned” Abbott (@ewabbott) March 27, 2019
This happened five years before I was born but I know all these pictures like I saw them as they happened. #LGM
— Edward “Ned” Abbott (@ewabbott) March 27, 2019
The Year the Mets Jumped Over the Moon
Well, this stinks.
— Edward “Ned” Abbott (@ewabbott) March 27, 2019
BBC News - Fart bullying case: Engineer contests A$1.8m court ruling
Well, that is most certainly a thing.
— Edward “Ned” Abbott (@ewabbott) March 27, 2019
Overheard guy talk about enjoying Morning Joe and in the next sentence he used "Looney Left" so he can go f*** himself.
— Edward “Ned” Abbott (@ewabbott) March 27, 2019
Nothing like the fury of someone West of Worcester feeling dismissed by Bostonians.
— Edward “Ned” Abbott (@ewabbott) March 27, 2019
This is not surprising.
— Edward “Ned” Abbott (@ewabbott) March 26, 2019
I will be in Albany in an hour.
— Edward “Ned” Abbott (@ewabbott) March 26, 2019
Is there someone specifically you’d like me to tell?
Or should I just go through a fast food drive through?
Reviewing a resume. Resume has LinkedIn link. LinkedIn has a link to candidate’s Twitter.
— Edward “Ned” Abbott (@ewabbott) March 26, 2019
Candidate’s Twitter is almost entirely GIFs from Sex and the City.
I am amazed. I am appalled.
Yeah, this person is going in the “bring them in” pile.
New Jersey Poised to Enact First Recreational Marijuana Law Protecting Workers from Adverse Employment Action | Littler Mendelson P.C.
— Edward “Ned” Abbott (@ewabbott) March 26, 2019
So where is the senior center going to be? The notional tech center is fine but the senior center is valuable.
— Edward “Ned” Abbott (@ewabbott) March 26, 2019
The Boomers are getting older and we are going to need places for them to receive care, friendship, and support.
Northern Ireland fans' 'we hate Catholics' song condemned by IFA -
— Edward “Ned” Abbott (@ewabbott) March 26, 2019
Television program idea:
— Edward “Ned” Abbott (@ewabbott) March 25, 2019
A show for Gen X'ers who are exhausted by everything...
"Yo' MTv Naps"
Where we see where, how, and why our favorites from the '90s nap.
Should my hosting name be Fab Five Neddy or Ned Lover?
I want to do all of these.
— Edward “Ned” Abbott (@ewabbott) March 25, 2019
The 25 Places You Need to Run Before You Die @outsidemagazine
When people have open door conference calls on speaker, I mark them as the ones not to trust in the event of an apocalypse.
— Edward “Ned” Abbott (@ewabbott) March 25, 2019
Great piece from @SaraLCline about why Town and Village courts matter and how they can be forgotten. There are seats open in the Town of Brunswick this year, and these are critical positions for the community.
— Edward “Ned” Abbott (@ewabbott) March 25, 2019
This is an outstanding picture of #1MSq!
— Edward “Ned” Abbott (@ewabbott) March 25, 2019
Reading through Twitter, I am struck by not the tribalism per se but that people think this is a game. Rooting for heroes, booing villains, & the fanaticism.
— Edward “Ned” Abbott (@ewabbott) March 25, 2019
This is a Big. Deal. & we are acting as if it is a time to tally points & we can bask in our fandom until the next game.
This will be an interesting tournament.
— Edward “Ned” Abbott (@ewabbott) March 25, 2019
For therapy. For fitness (heh). So I can eat all the food and drink all the beer. To be outside. To challenge myself.
— Edward “Ned” Abbott (@ewabbott) March 24, 2019
Seeing a reference to what I think is the best opening line in modern literature made me so very happy. #Neuromancer #TheCabinattheEndoftheWorld
— Edward “Ned” Abbott (@ewabbott) March 24, 2019
Crepes that are flambé? Sure. Why not? @nomadcoffeecrepes
— Edward “Ned” Abbott (@ewabbott) March 24, 2019
Crepes that are flambé? Sure. Why not? @nomadcoffeecrepes
— Edward “Ned” Abbott (@ewabbott) March 24, 2019