Saturday, November 21, 2009

Movember Update for Saturday

It is looking more filled in, however, that doesn't mean it looks good. Less than two weeks left!

Please donate to Movember!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Not the Song to Play at a Sports Bar


Not Funny in a Ha Ha Way

Funny in a knowing wink sort of way.

I can't believe I am considering this...

The Song of the Day

Rolling Stones - Gimme Shelter - Live at Altamont

Anything about the coming apocalypse can be considered enjoyable...I suppose

It Starts With "I Do"

New Yorkers,

Sign the  Petition at Marriage Equality New York

Thanks to Jody for the heads' up.

How About We Kidnap Your Daughter

Biggie famously rapped, "Your daughter's tied up in a Brooklyn basement."

Now, a Congresscritter (John Shadegg, Republican) from Arizona is suggesting that Mayor Bloomberg's daughter is going to be subject to the same fate because the Mayor is supporting the idea of trying some of the perpetrators of September 11th in Manhattan.

Let's go to the tape...

The Mayor did not want to dignify these statements with a response, which is the correct thing to do...

Even allowing that this was something to be uttered in a bar room, something like this, something really awful, shouldn't have been suggested on the floor of the House of Representatives.

Congressman Weiner (D-NY) (Not a fan of Mike Bloomberg) responded to the member from Arizona.

Clips via NY Observer

An Editorial Note

I was having a conversation with a friend last night and he mentioned that he had been warned off being friends with me by the powers that be in his organization.   Seeing that this friends is fairly high up, I can assume who made this statement.

He was warned that because I was an "activist", I would be using him as a source for information.

A) I am not an activist.  Democratic, Republican, Conservative, Liberal or Otherwise.   I am a gadfly.

B) I have NEVER used my friends as a font of information.  I have NEVER used family as a font of information.

EVERYTHING I have ever written that is the least bit scandalous has been sourced from the MSM or from major political blogs. Or...based on being able to read a fairly obvious path (generally to destruction) that people were headed and offering conjecture on that.  Sometimes, I am correct.  Sometimes, I am dead wrong. But...

It has always been me.


To those who think that I am mining my friends for anything other than friendship (or who think that I am an activist), go fuck yourselves.  You people who universally lauded Spitzer (on both sides of the aisle), who have driven this state to the verge of bankruptcy, and who are willing to deny good hard working New Yorkers their civil rights because of who they choose to are the ones who have made this fucking mess.  I am just writing about it on occassion, yet, I am the bad say again, go fuck yourselves.

I am my own man, and almost nothing surpasses the love and respect I have for my friends.

A Low Point for Local Journalism

Now, I am not going to blame Jim Odato for this, as he (in all likelihood) did not write the headline...


It is a classic...

Lawyer Keeps "CYA" File

For those of you who are unaware, CYA stands for "Cover Your Ass".

So, the only daily paper in the state capitol of one of the largest states in the country has the acronym for COVER YOUR ASS on the cover...

How awesome is that?  How low have we gotten in the level of discourse that this is allowed...

What happened to editorial discretion?

I wonder what is going to be said on The Media Project on WAMC.  Oh, wait...nothing will be said about it.

Thursday Mo! Movember Update

An outdoor shot...


"Mo"s can go mobile...

Please donate to Movember

And thank you Stacey for your donation yesterday!!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Going Rogue

Sometimes Jimmy Fallon can be really funny.

But poor Rachel Maddow!

Via Huffington Post

Psalm 109

You can buy a bumper sticker that says "Pray for Obama/Psalm 109"

This is what they are referencing:

 8 May his days be few;
       may another take his place of leadership.

 9 May his children be fatherless
       and his wife a widow.

 10 May his children be wandering beggars;
       may they be driven [d] from their ruined homes.

 11 May a creditor seize all he has;
       may strangers plunder the fruits of his labor.


The Christian Science Monitor asks is the use of this Psalm is "funny or sinister".

Do you really have to ask?

The people who are displaying this are actively looking for the removal of the President of the United States through violence...

Rachel Maddow had a piece on this last night...

I have no words...I am angry and full of loathing right now...

I have decided, quickly, that I like this song

Norah Jones - Back to Manhattan

Yes, I am admitting to liking a Norah Jones song...

Movember on a Wednesday

So...I tried "mo" wax was...interesting...

I look less like a walrus and more like Mrs. Claus at this point...

Anyway, please donate to Movember

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Follow-up on the Farmville Post

I wrote earlier about how irked I am with the Farmville spam on Facebook.

There is an application for the iPhone that will weed out App Spam.

Facebook Focus for the iPhone will list application notifications on a separate menu so that you can avoid it or take a look at it when you want.

Just sayin'.

Keith Factchecks Palin on Oprah

The one explicit criticism Olbermann had for Palin was for her use of the word usage when describing her current career status. Palin told Oprah that since her loss in the presidential election she is not retreating but "reloading." Olbermann thought the use of the word of "reloading" was insensitive following the Fort Hood shootings last week. (Boston Examiner)


I will admit, I am annoyed when my Facebook wall is filled with people find sheep, losing sheep and getting fertilized on a minute by minute basis.

I am not a farmer.  I know a few, but the people playing Farmville (for the most part) do not suffer from the ability to make things grow in the dirt.

However, I guess I may be alone because sixty eight million people are playing this on a monthly basis.


Anyway, NPR had a piece on this on Saturday.


Donate to Movember!

Movember Update - Cracked iPhone Edition

Sometimes things break...and sometimes they can be this iPhone (which suffered a gentle fall)...

Other times, they need to be removed...

My iPhone can be fixed, but a prostate or a testicle are gone forever...and is getting rarer, but it does happen, sometimes the owners die...

While I felt like I was going to die when the phone's screen shattered, I am not...I will get a new screen or a new phone and it will be all good.

You, though, can help by donating to Movember...any little amount will help.

(And yes, I am listening to Rachel's show from last is part of my morning ritual.  Coffee with Rachel Maddow...if I could be that lucky.)

Thank you, Dana, for your donation yesterday!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Wonderfully broken phone

That iPhone screen sure does crack easily.

Please donate to Mowvember!

Movember on a Monday

I am beginning to look more and more like someone's dad (which I suppose is accurate, as I am TEA's dad) as Movember continues.

Lovely, I guess...or scary...

With this look, I know that I can fit in in some Midwestern city with ease...

(Which is neither a dig, nor a backhanded compliment for those in the Midwest...just an observation...I am beginning to look like those people you see at O'Hare)

Anyway, please donate to Movember (and many thanks to those who already have) so that I can feel better about growing this and I can savor shaving this off.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Something to look forward to

Mets vs. Marlins
April 5, 2010
1:00 PM

Via ESPN ScoreCenter

Please donate to Mowvember!

Rivers Cuomo's Method For Writing Songs

Take a Ritalin, do three shots of tequila and then get to writing.  That's how "Hash Pipe" came about.

via Fresh Air

TEA and I - A Special Movember Request

One of the reasons I am doing this is because I don't want TEA to ever get sick, to ever suffer...

so if not for me, donate for TEA and for all the little boys (and we are all little boys) that you have in your life...

Movember Update - Sunday Morning Coming Down

Another day, another Movember update!

The "mo" contributes to the "ugh, Sunday morning look" well, doesn't it?

If you have a blog, Twitter, or Facebook, I would really appreciate you linking to Movember.  Either my Movember page (please) or the national page.

The link you can use is:

Thank you!

Twilight, really?

In Borders yesterday, I was surrounded by Twilight stuff. It was...well...terrifying.

Now, I realize that some of this is on me because I do not understand the appeal of the franchise...

A) Dude, you're over 100 and you want to date teenagers and go to high school? What kind of ridiculous premise is that?

B) They "sparkle"?

C) Vampires with a conservative Christian overtone make...perfect sense.

Yes, I have a bias here. But...can I be that disconnected from the larger culture or is this one of those badnesses that I am immune from because I really could give a rats ass about what teenagers think is cool. Teenagers are rarely cool themselves and the Tweens (they are the presumed market, right? Tweens and single women with lots of cats.) are never cool.

My hope is that this will be dead and buried before TEA becomes involved, because....I would hate to have to stake him.

Please donate to Movember!