Friday, April 3, 2009

Not quite a FML

Yesterday, while I had some downtime I took one of those quizzes that tell me who would direct the movie of my life...


Woody Allen.


That's just great.

A number of people thought that it was perfect for me.

Maybe I can do an Albany version of Annie Hall for the next Ed Wood FilmFest

And some days...

I cannot read properly.

As a case in point, while perusing my RSS reader, this headline from AOA read to me like this.

"May Oral Blogging"

which I quickly processed as a spring related sex blog.

Iowa, My Iowa

At 10:55 or so, I saw a post that came up and I was forced to call one of my best friends.  However, because I was excited, I forgot that it was still before 8:00 am in Seattle (where she is)...I did quickly hang up...she called me back and when I explained what was up, she stated that it was a good time to call for news like this.

What is the news?

The Iowa Supreme Court has overturned the definition of marriage as one man and one woman (Des Moines Register), stating that is was unconstitutional.  Iowa.

Gawker was impressed enough that it ran it under the header of "No, Really." while Wonkette tagged it under "Insanity"  Ben Smith, at Politico (and formerly a man about Albany) parsed the decision for us, and some of the passages he highlights are...interesting at the very least.  As ever, Balk had an opinion.

Why is this a big deal for me?

I am not a) gay or b) looking to ever get married again.

This is a human rights issue, and my generations version of the Civil Rights Movement.  That being said...



The heart of flyover country?

New York cannot get it done, but Iowa can.

Iowa is a state that I once spent three hours driving around looking for a copy of the New York Times.


The "Field of Dreams" state?


Not that I am not happy for everyone in Iowa who will now be allowed to understand what the pain and humiliation of a divorce is really like, but...New York got beat by Iowa.

I really hate Malcolm Smith right now.  (As FAU quoted me when he guest blogged for me.)

You can download the Full Opinion (PDF)

Thursday, April 2, 2009


does a guy need to do to get laid off?

As FAU pointed out...

The internets seem a little dull today.

Asking the masses...

What do you think is fundamentally wrong with me?


I used to pride myself on knowing what my flaws were and what I could do to change them, or ignoring them, and now...I don't I am pinging the masses for this information.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Divorce in NY is Painful and Costly and Lawyers Love It - Gothamist: New York City News, Food, Arts & Events:

"Forty-nine states in the Union permit residents to pursue no-fault divorces, but not the Empire State. New York doesn't accept 'irreconcilable differences' as grounds for ending marriage, and so one spouse must prove in court that the other is guilty of adultery, cruel and inhuman treatment, or withholding sex for a year"

I'm so excited...I'm so.....scared

Jimmy Fallon on His Successful Talk Show, Less Successful Saved by the Bell Reunion -- Vulture -- Entertainment & Culture Blog -- New York Magazine:

"What's an example? Sadly, his noble efforts to reunite the original cast of Saved by the Bell on the show have only been met with a 14 percent success rate: 'Right now all we’ve got is Mr. Belding. But, uh, we think we have a good lead on Mario Lopez. I think he’s answering back.' Though we'd imagine he should be able to get Dustin Diamond too, other stars are proving more difficult. Who does Fallon think will be the hardest? 'Probably Mark-Paul Gosselaar or Tiffani-Amber Thiessen. Or Lark Voorhies. I haven't heard from her in a while, so who knows,' he lamented."

Soooo Goood

PACK-ING A WALLOP - New York Post:

"Breathe in and exhale slowly, city smokers -- your cheapest cigarettes will soar past $10 a pack today."

Which has Gawker asking for a bailout.

Not that I am quitting. I am just stopping. I have quit before and it didn't taken, however, I have never tried stopping.

Snow Queen

She's Hot, on the Ice...

And she's proudly Valley Trash

Image via


Lamps made from plumbing fixtures - Boing Boing:

"The Demo/Design Clinic store on Etsy features these new Kozo lamps made from plumbing fixtures. Handsome, functional, and heavy -- just how I like my furnishings."

Wasn't this the woman's business plan from Runaway Bride?


Dunn Memorial Bridge Falcon Nest - Larger View - NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation:

"Peregrine Falcon Nesting"

I have been watching this live feed often over the past couple of days. It makes me happy.

I hate this day

Justice Department to Drop Stevens Case - The Caucus Blog -

"The Justice Department moved on Wednesday morning to drop all charges against former Senator Ted Stevens of Alaska, who narrowly lost his seat last year shortly after being convicted on seven felony counts of ethics violations."

Because I don't know who to take seriously.

When I heard this on NPR this morning, I was convinced it was a prank.

From AoA

A truck carrying as much as 7,000 gallons of milk tipped over at the corner of Oakwood Ave and Northern Drive yesterday in Troy, spilling its contents all over the place. There were no reports of crying. [Troy Record]

(All over Albany)

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Social Networking for the WIN!

When your mom calls you based on your Facebook status.

Obscure and Rural

Wonkette : Most Exciting Election In The History Of Ever Is Today!:

"Polling places opened nearly four hours ago, so if our dozens of readers from NY-20 have not voted yet they have probably already been shipped to Guantanamo."

Wow. Upstate is getting no love here.


Salmonella in Pistachios Spurs Recall -

"Barely two months after a huge recall of peanut-related products, federal officials said late Monday that a California processor would recall about one million pounds of pistachio products because of concerns about salmonella contamination."

I forbidden ice cream!

Maybe it is just me...


Does anyone find that NPR's coverage of the North Dakota weather
disaster with their "pounding of dykes and levies" more suited to the
coverage of hate crimes against homosexuals and the Jews?

Monday, March 30, 2009

Kristof FTW

That's awesome.

Tasty and Trendy

David Chang Says Momofuku to Foie Gras Protesters - Gothamist: New York City News, Food, Arts & Events:

"Chang's adding at least one foie gras dish to each of his menus at his various restaurants: 'We'll donate any proceeds from those dishes to charity, including City Harvest and The Food Bank for NYC—both of which are in dire need of money and support to help feed our city’s poorest and hungriest citizens.'"

Okay then...

March Madness: Siena's Drunk, Rowdy Fans Are Not Welcome Back To Ohio

Thank God Siena fans have left Dayton, Ohio! Your local fans were anything but saints when they were in Dayton for the NCAA Tournament. The students were drunk, rude and profane. Worst yet, the adults, alumni and parents were just as bad. Thank the UD Arena security officer's restraint for not throwing all of them out on Sunday. Fans cursed out security officers and other fans. The yelling of the "F" word in front of elderly and young children was unbelievable. Is it like this at home or is this just a gift to those they visit? Louisville spared Indy. Don't come back!

Gene Jarman
West Carrollton, Ohio

Gene, I think I speak for all New Yorkers and when say this. Fuck you and fuck Ohio.


HAH! Oh, of course Gene from Ohio is a humorless prick who happens to live in Ohio...he's a fuckin' cop.

No! No! No! No!

Steve Jobs Health and Next Job - Steve Jobs as CEO of General Motors - Esquire:

"If there were any lingering doubts that he had it, President Obama's oustering of GM CEO Rick Wagoner proved he's got serious clout, and that he's willing to use it. It's also proved (once again) the punditocracy's extraordinary eyesight: even from the heights of cyberspace, the chattering class is picking out individual trees while completely overlooking the forest."

This is an extraordinarily bad idea.

No! No! No! No!

Steve Jobs Health and Next Job - Steve Jobs as CEO of General Motors - Esquire:

"If there were any lingering doubts that he had it, President Obama's oustering of GM CEO Rick Wagoner proved he's got serious clout, and that he's willing to use it. It's also proved (once again) the punditocracy's extraordinary eyesight: even from the heights of cyberspace, the chattering class is picking out individual trees while completely overlooking the forest."

This is an extraordinarily bad idea.


Shouts & Murmurs: Exec-U-Scapes: Humor: The New Yorker:

"Exec-U-Scapes is the new confidential concierge service designed to help expedite an urgent getaway for the financial tycoon seeking to distance himself or herself from today’s economic-revenge community."

From the midnight sprint to Teterboro to the moment I deplaned at my extradition-proof final destination, the Exec-U-Scapes team honored their strict no-teasing/no-wisecracks/no-blackmail policy.


Glenn Beck

Fox News’s Mad, Apocalyptic, Tearful Rising Star -

"When it was suggested in an interview that he sometimes sounds like a preacher, he responded, “No. You’ve never met a more flawed guy than me.”

He added later: “I say on the air all time, ‘if you take what I say as gospel, you’re an idiot.’ ”"

Actually, if you listen to most of what he says, you are an idiot. Don't worry, I will be waiting for him in the FEMA concentration camps for people who don't want socialism. You know, President Obama was born in Indonesia and is a secret Muslin terrorist, like Bill Ayers.

Knowing Me, Knowing You

There is a group of people (all "guy" who needs to resort to medication because he has the women...and one other man, but,'t count) who haven't spoken to me in twelve to fifteen years who:

  • Apparently know me,
  • Apparently hate me,
  • Believe that I am the anti-christ.
Now, the interesting thing about this people is that they are so fucking parochial that it makes me really laugh. Imagine if all of your friends were the same people that you have been friends with since you were twelve. Imagine buying your parents' house.

How creepy is that? How sad and stagnant their lives must be?

Zero growth and delayed adulthood with a perpetual adolescence.

I don't know why some of these people dislike (or even hate me) for who or what I was back then, and I don't particularly care what they think about me right now, however, they have started spreading these lies, rumors, innuendos, and other such things about me without talking with me (one of these people...the overly medicated guy who should probably just do the world a favor and kill himself, taking out most of his friends with him, as he serves no purpose socially, intellectually, or economically, thereby serving a purpose because he will give me something to talk about...has never talked with me).

I am posting this here because I need to vent.

I have a lot going on in my life and I neither want nor need people who live in an industrial wasteland of a community, who live intellectually bankrupt lives, talking utter trash about me with people that I consider to be friends.


Obama's Mid-Term Election - Nate Silver on 2010 Congressional Elections - Esquire: "Nate Silver: It's the President, Stupid

Do Democrats need an economic miracle to avert a serious setback in congressional elections next year? The stats guru's new model shows that Obama will need about a 65-percent approval rating to hold the mid-terms.

By Nate Silver"

Whoa! My fanboy crush makes the big time!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

F*** My Life?

FML : I proposed to my girlfriend in the food court at the mall. When she said "yes", the...:

"Today, I proposed to my girlfriend in the food court at the mall. When she said 'yes', the entire food court broke out in applause, and my girlfriend and I were escorted out of the mall for 'starting a riot'. I never knew clapping was a crime. FML"

Honestly, man, if you are proposing at a food court, you have a great many other problems going on.