Saturday, October 17, 2009


Yes, I know about the #beatcancer Twitter meme and I am happy that this post may generate donations to the breast cancer cure effort but seeing Samantha Ronson's tweet, I had to ask myself "is she talking about bad hip hop?"

Yeah, I am an idiot.

The iPhone as a Training Tool

As I wrote yesterday, I am beoming more and more addicted to my iPhone.

And as a way to engage in self improvement, I downloaded and installed a Pilates trainer earlier this week and I like it. The training app, not Pilates. Pilates still sucks. That being said, along with yoga for flexibility and weights for strength and toning, I am happy with it.

The videos that are embedded in the app are helpful and the instructor is...well...attractive.

If you are looking for a Pilates app, I wholeheartedly suggest On the Go Pilates.

All the smart people out there

Was it Churchill or Santayana who said, "a fanatic redoubles
his effort after losing sight of his aim"?

A Google search attributes it to both of them...

Friday, October 16, 2009

Addiction to Technology

I believe that this is on me...that I am the odd one here...


When my iPhone is syncing, I feel incredibly disconnected from the world.  The iPhone and the applications that I have installed have allowed me to have instant access to the information that I want to have.

I mean, I am sitting in front of my laptop right now and...I still feel disconnected.

I know...I know...

I am odd.

Sitting At Starbucks

And at the table next to me, there are people who are mid-level managers who are complaining about their employees.

By Name.

In Public.


Seriously, using first and last name while complaining about employees for very specific reasons while in public is....awful...they don't know who else is here...we are in downtown Albany and everyone knows everyone in Albany.

So, are they that stupid, or are they the reason that this state is in so much trouble?

Edit at 4:40 EDT:

They are now complaining that Charlotte is an awful person who does awful things, especially in public. (in addition to being a stuck up rich girl who wears awful clothes...from the woman wearing mom jeans and strappy sandals on a 44 F day)

The irony is far from lost on me.

Edit at 4:55 EDT:

"Oh, what time is it?"
"Oh, we need to get back!"
"Yeah, I have to shut down my computer."


It is only the middle of October

H1N1 Update

Via Jake Tapper's Twitter

Also, the CDC has a map of the spread of H1N1...

Facebook Lies

14%? Really? Just 14%? How did they determine this?

I am not wishing H1N1 on the creators however, I do hope they hey trapped in a balloon over Colorado...

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

New Blog

Please check out Friday Puppy.

Food Thing - Pumpkin Soup

I will admit to not being a huge fan of pumpkin. Pumpkin beer has a tendency to be over spiced and sweet in a cloying way (like an Alan Thicke sitcom). Pumpkin pie is good but never something I would go out of my way to have...ditto with doughnuts, et cetera...a squash is a squash is a squash and I am not what is called a "squash person" (with the execption of the time that PBE made an entire meal out of various squashes)

That being said, the pumpkin soup at Wolff's Biergarten is wondeful!

It is sweet, spicy, smokey and has just enough salt to enhance every flavor.

I strongly suggest that you take the time to try it.

Thanks to AEP for joining me for lunch.

Oh the humanity!

Whatever will I do???

This. Is. Awful.

I am going to bang this drum

Especially today...

It is the obligation of the strong to protect the weak.