Saturday, August 18, 2012

Pictures from Maine

Pictures from the annual family vacation in Maine.

Where we stayed

The rental was beautiful from the outside and weirdly antiquated for, the inside. Actually, it was awesome and very "camp-esque". The owners were obviously several generation of proud Bowdoin alums.

The beach was a bird sanctuary.

A tern at low tide.

Proof that there were some crabs around but we did not see any...

The kids getting ready to use their boogie boards.

My sister, who can be a colossal PitA, at the beach.

Dad relaxing after a day at the...wait for it...beach.

TEA digging something that resembled the Keep on Arrakis (Google it, non-nerds)

TEA can rock the mustache...*

TEA getting his first tattoo. Before you call child and family services, it was henna.

The title for this image is "Sun TEA".

Yes, I got my tan on as well. Like father, like son.

TEA flying a kite at the beach.

A view of our beach

A fire on our last night...

*TEA decided to go with it instead of me. The woman at the store where we purchased them asked if I would put one on and I told her that it wouldmake me look like someone from a Chris Hansen special. She laughed and then complimented my shoes. In hindsight, and from TEA's observation, she was flirting with me. I wish I had the ability to recognize that.