The Rules: Don't take too long to think about it. Twenty films you've seen that will always stick with you. List the first twenty you can recall in no more than twenty minutes.Starting at 8:39 pm
1) Casablanca: It will be the way that I understand romantic love.
2) Lost in Translation: Because life isn't as easy or as simple as we make it.
3) Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind: Even though they know it is going to end up the same way, they decide to try again.
4) Sideways: Because underneath every extra pound of schlub, there is a pretentious douche-bag.
5) The Big Chill: Because college friends matter..."No, we were friends for a short time a long time ago."
6) Apocalypse Now: On that path lies madness, and too often we as a culture head down it.
7) 2001: A Space Odyssey: The film is forty years old and is still visually stunning. It is also the first time that a film left me confused and wanting to know a lot more.
8) Dr. Strangelove (or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb): "There's no fighting in the War Room!"
9) Annie Hall: I know that some of my friends are mixed of this film. I promise not to hold it against them.
10) The Great Escape: Steve McQueen provides a wonderful example of stoic masculinity.
11) The Searchers: And Ethan Edwards shows that even those who are stuck in their ways (he never turned in his saber), can change.
12) The Matrix: Geek as Superman/Jesus...what's not to draw me to this film, plus a soundtrack to die for.
13) Wall-E: I want to love (and be loved) the way that Wall-E loves Eve.
14) Sunshine: Terrifying and yet, there is hope. A wonderful retelling of the Icarus myth and it makes me shiver every time I think of it.
15) The Dirty Dozen: I will always associate this film with Sleepless in Seattle.
16) Away We Go: I may be the only person who loves this movie, and what that says is that there is something wrong with you.
17) (500) Days of Summer: It came down between this and Garden State and the soundtrack is better here and the story may be a tad more engaging.
18) Dawn of the Dead: The original. Great action story. Better parody of American life.
19) Field of Dreams: "Dad, want to have a catch?"
20) 28 Days Later: An allegory about man's capacity for inhumanity that is chilling and features some of the scariest score pieces I have ever heard.
Completed at 8:44 pm
Now, I am going to go back and tag them with a why.
Completed tagging at 9:01