Friday, October 2, 2009

American Kitsch

I love this place.

This picture is from June 1997.

Love is worth fighting for

Dan Choi, a gay Iraq vet (who speaks Arabic) speaks out about falling
in love (and DADT) on this week's podcast from The Moth.

It deals with love, honor, and protecting all freedoms...and Korean
Baptist parents.

It is worth the download and the listen.

Lt. Dan Choi on Rachel Maddow

For those who did not see it...


David Letterman's apology and explanation.

From the NY Times.

Also see Letterman's Confession: Calculation vs. Compulsion

Mr. Letterman's on-air confession, delivered on the set of his late night talk show on Thursday without advance warning or fanfare, would have been shocking, except that it was confusing: Mr. Letterman's delivery about his "creepy" backstage behavior was so glib and deadpan that the audience couldn't be blamed for assuming that the stand-up comedian was still joking at his desk. Mr. Letterman noted that it would indeed be embarrassing for his affairs to be publicly known, then paused a beat. "Especially for the women."

At least I am out of the house

After a monumental screw up (think land war in Central Asia), I needed to get out of the house...

Thankfully, the Albany Public Library is open...

I should be slsleeping

But I talked with friends tonight and now I have a dog who wants attention.

And I am rereading Atlas Shrugged.


Maybe this is the moment of clarity or maybe it is the darkness before the dawn.

Either way, I have decided to ride it out.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

iPhone App Recommendation

PRX's Public Radio

Shows on demand plus all local publicly supported radio stations.

My only complaint would be that it has to run at the top.


I am so glad this season is almost over.

The Other Guys

Taxis in front of Jack's Oyster House? No big deal, right?

NYC cabs?

Oh! Albany is being used as a stand in for NYC? Great. Lovely.

Well, better us than a backlot in California.

This is for a Will Ferrell & Marky Mark film that has a...wait for
it...bus crash. Which, I guess means, that this has the feel of a
buddy cop movie. Which. Is. Great.

Will Elf be playing the role of Murtaugh?


Oh, Starbucks, if only you would deliver.


If I had the foresight to set the coffee maker to brew last night...


If I was motivated enough to get out of bed to grind beans and make
some coffee.

Happy Birthday, China

Here is to another 60 years of proving that Maoist Communism is just
as bad an idea as any other type of collectivism.

Thanks for being one of my goto examples of evil, stuidity,
corruption, & and the power and impotancy of state run programs.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


I have found that when I am in a negative headspace, and feeling particularly bad about things, I resort to reading the same books over and over. For the most part, they are alternative histories, however...

They are all fascist in outlook.

I like what this says about me.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Text from the DSCC

Chairman Menendez -- VP Biden is right: President Obama's agenda is
dead if Dems lose. Help DSCC build the grassroots support we need at

Umm...his agenda seems pretty dead now, don't you think?

Monday, September 28, 2009

Matchbook WIN!

Thanks to P. for this!

I worry about the oddest things.

Does anyone else worry that Obama's health care plan will lead to the
creation of reavers?

New Zombie Book

I found a new zombie graphic novel at Borders today.  

It is a wonderful read.

If you like zombies, graphic novels and interesting social commentary, I do have to suggest it.   

Zomnibus Vol. 1

What now?


Are you a jingoist?

Do you believe in the Risen Lord?

I have the book for you!

Yes, kids, The American Patriot's Bible!

No mention of the Diests that many of the Founding Fathers were.

Just Christ wrapped in Old Glory.

Essential reading for your next "teaparty" or for making racist
allegations against the elected President!

Rape-Rape Is The REALLY Bad One, Right? | The Awl

Oh Whoppi. What caused you to say this?

Sunday, September 27, 2009


Yes, I have a laptop sitting on my lap.  Yes, I have a desktop with a Trinitron monitor, but there is something about reading the NY Times on my TV via a Wii that makes my little geek heart grow three sizes.

Interesting Question

Source: Twitter