Saturday, May 30, 2009

Even in New Jersey

I keep to my habits


I like cats. I really do.

However, I am also wonderfully allergic to them.

This morning, I was up at five so that I could help my housemate grab two cats that need to be returned to her former partner. As a boy (apparently), it was my job to get the cats into their carriers,


I succeeded (with only one minor scratch, which has already swelled up like a little volcano of histimine) with ease (natch) and now my housemate, two very sad sounding cats and I are headed down to the Garden State in order to do the great cat exchange on 2009.

I am going to hear this pathetic mewing for another 150 miles.

Such is life.

Oh, and I am covered in cat hair as well.


Thursday, May 28, 2009

Too much information

I have been sick for the past couple of days, and I added to it
yesterday by making poor food choices but it got me thinking...

Instead of pharmas trying to "cure" things like IBS (or more to the
point, treat because a cure limits the market), why not a campaign to
say that it is ok to have IBS?

Something like...

"With my IBS, I can eat what I want, and I never gain a pound!"

Monday, May 25, 2009

On Ireland

Reading "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man" does serve to put
the report of abuses in the Irish Church homes in perspective.


I had a quite vivid dream about Rachel Maddow torturing Dick Cheney
last night.

I blame this upon eating a burrito while watching the Rachel Maddow
show after 11:30.