Friday, October 26, 2012

Interesting Things

Yes, I will admit it, it IS this first thing that pops into my head. Yes, I am talking about The Sex Lives of Conjoined Twins in The Atlantic. Does that make me a bad person? When you hear about conjoined people, what is the first thing you think of?

I am always in the market for a new set of headphones (Not that I do not love my SkullCandy ones, but...I can always upgrade.), however, headphones can be really expensive. Mashable has a review of $60 headphones that are pretty awesome. These Cheap Headphones Will Knock Your Socks Off.

Middle School/Junior High is the forgotten middle child of education. (I know, because I did not train as a teacher, that I am not allowed to have opinions on how education works. I am just passing this on.) Slate has a piece about a school in Rhode Island that is handling Middle School differently with good results and why it has a tendency to be ignored. The Worst Years of Our Lives: How We Can Make Middle School Less Awful?

Presented Without Comment: Friendship, Dating, Attraction, & Heartbreak (The Hairpin)

Via Kempt: How to Tie a Bow Tie.

I mean, I know you have a smart phone and therefore have access to Untappd (if you do join Untappd, I am ewabbott...just sayin'), but I guess you could use this Moleskin Beer Journal. (Uncrate)

Arcade Fire is working on a new album with a release date in sometime 2013. (Pitchfork, Pretty Much Amazing, Vulture)

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Prepare for the "Frankenstorm"


When the National Weather Service is calling it a Frankenstorm, you know that you are going to die. (Especially if you are a cute little girl with a flower.)


From MSNBC: Sandy has hit Cuba, and it is only getting stronger!

From NY Mag: It is time to start freaking out about Snowicane Sandy!

That's right: It's worse than a storm known to history as the Perfect Storm. Because it's not just a storm, it's a snowicane. A Perfect Snowicane, Hurricarnage, or whatever portmanteau we collectively settle on eventually. And just when you didn't think it could get any crazier: It is likely to hit during a full moon ... Werewolves! Snowicanewolves, dropping from the clouds like hail! ... when tides are near their highest, increasing coastal flooding potential, NOAA forecasts warn. Oh, right ... still pretty bad, though.

From Gawker: East Coast Braces for First Storm Freakout of the Season: A Halloween Snowstorm Hurricane Apocalypse

Because it would be a combination snowstorm + hurricane, the proper name for this storm is "snowcane," but, as there is no time to learn new words in the midst of a crisis, you should refer to it as a "snowcone."

From All Over Albany: This is Sandy

In other words: right now, it's looking like there could be heavy rain Monday into Wednesday, with strong wind. And depending how temperatures go, that rain could turn into snow.

They are always so calm over at AOA, aren't they?

I am saying prepare for the worst. Total breakdown of society!

Interesting Things

With All Over Albany's Tournament of Pizza coming to an end for 2012, I present these two things. The final installment will be today (Go DeFazio's!). - I love pizza more than I love certain members of my family.

A scientist has developed a bandage for the roof of your mouth after mouth burn. No. Really. Your NSF money at work. Seriously. (Serious Eats)

Yes, someone at my Alma Mater is comparing sanctions against a fraternity to the tyranny of a repressive government. (Concordiensis)

Cee Lo has a Christmas Album. On this album, you can listen to Cee Lo sing "All You Need is Love" with Muppets. I thought the ruining of Christmas would be someone purchasing "A Christmas Story 2: The Official Sequel" and asking us to watch that. No, it is going to be handled by Cee Lo and those at Henson. Thanks. I appreciate that more than you know. (Pretty Much Amazing)

There are two people I know that will appreciate this. They are both women in their thirties. They both have Ph.Ds. That is where the similarities end, I suppose. This is for the two of them: JEM Barbies. ( Boing)

Horror Movies
Via Are We Living in a Golden Age of Horror Films?
Via Flavorwire: Ten Horror Movies You Did Not Realize Were Based on True Stories

The Tyranny of the Iron
I do not know Seth Stevenson. I am sure that a number of my friends may be acquainted with him. (The overlap of the smart people in my life that I am friendly with and writers for Slate is uncanny. Maybe it is someone who knew him at Brown or maybe Columbia...or a friend of a friend...whatever) I do think that his defense of laziness and sloppiness is unforgivable. Wrinkles clothing is not a goodness. Rumpled clothing is sometimes a calculated pose, but...wrinkled is just lazy and so far from flattering. I do not know why this upsets me like it did...but reading this in bed this morning almost made my head explode.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Interesting Things

News in brief:
I did not want to say anything about this yesterday because, and I may be a douche for saying it, but when i read about the "attack", I thought of Tawana Brawley. I was not surprised, but I was still saddened, when I saw that it was not true.

New York's Finest: The story has been around for the last couple of weeks, but this was the first chance that I got to see (video here) of two of NY's rapiest Finest take out their frustrations on a homeless man... (Boing Boing)

Killed Over a Bike: What bothered me about this was the narrative of this story is largely made up of postings pulled from Facebook to prove...what? This article says nothing. NOTHING! (The Daily Beast)

Am I supposed to know who these people are? Are they related to that Honey Boo Boo person? Teen Mom Cheating Scandal. I mean...Who is Amber Portwood (apparently she is in jail for five years for drug possession? WHAT THE F***?) and why does she have a baby daddy?!? I hate America.

Has anyone else been hearing Massive Attack's Teardrop everywhere? I heard it four times yesterday (and not just because I was listening to sad bastard music on Spotify).

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Interesting Things

I do not want to talk about the debate. I know that you do not care what I have to say, and I think the majority of us have made up our minds but...and I, one who likes to be incendiary, am a little upset about one little thing. From Ann Coulter:

Now, I know people (allegedly intelligent) who are happy to use that word. However, if you use the word "gay" to describe something unsuitablity, they become upset. I expect things like this from Coulter at this point, is an unacceptable word. Name calling is always unacceptable, actually. It is childish and is behavior that I try not to engage in on a personal level. (Mediaite)

Does a show about zombies need...fewer zombies? (Spoilers in the post) It is a curious question, as the show, "The Walking Dead", is about the aftermath of a zombie apocalypse however (and I have written this so many times I feel like I should have a macro) zombie fiction is about the capacity for inhumanity from man towards man and rarely about the terror of the unwashed mob. That being said, would TWD be better served by less zombies and more Rick and Lori time? Think about that for a bit...I'll wait. You thought about it, didn't you? Yeah, I agree with you. (Vulture)

While we are on the topic of monsters (Ann Coulter to know that there is a theme here, right?), Monster Energy Drinks will kill you. (Or they may kill you...)Is there anything else to say about this?(Gawker)

And then there is this: Classic Fairy Tales Retold for Twenty-somethings(See the tumblr)
Little Red Riding Hood was getting hit on by some wolf at the bar. She kept her beer close to her, and politely brushed the guy away.

“Are you okay?” asked the huntsman who approached her next.

“Ugh,” she said, rolling her eyes. “Can’t a girl just go out for a drink and be left alone?”

And speaking of monster, fairy tales, and things that will kill you:
Jenny McCarthy to infect Chicago.
"Splash, a style magazine in Chicago, is reporting that they’ve hired Jenny McCarthy to be their new daily blogger.
Yes, you read that right. But it gets better. And by better, I mean worse.
Besides a daily blog, she’s being given a weekly advice column called "Ask Jenny", where, among other things, she will "tackle parenting"."

Monday, October 22, 2012

Interesting Things

Yesterday was gorgeous.

Today looks like it is going to be just as beautiful.

Everything Geeky!
Did you know that the first Geek Pride Festival was held in Albany? No, I did not either. Why did we let it die? Why didn't WAMC continue with the support of it? Could All Over Albany be the new media supporter of such a great event? I came upon this information, by the way, when I was searching for information about geek pride generally. I mean every other non self selecting group has advocacy days and their contributions to culture are lauded with obnoxious stunts and petty bullying (just are not bullying me at all because under-represented groups can never...nevermind)as well as parades! I want a f***ing parade! Anyway, fellow geeks, let's make this happen! (And stop calling it Towel Day, for the love of all that is Holy!)

Man and Machine making Whiskey at NY Distilling Company.(Gizmodo)

Using software to deblur images(Gizmodo).

WiFi Lightbulbs! Yes, I need WiFi lightbulbs.(Gizmodo)

And as it is to be expected, most companies are not going to make the switch to Windows 8. (Mashable)

Hot Sauce is a Food
From Deadspin: What To Eat With The Best Hot Sauce In The World: A Guide For People Who Aren’t Anti-Sriracha Bores. From the article: "Here's what sets sriracha apart from what's typically sold as hot sauce (apart from the fact that you have to walk over to the "Asian" aisle at your supermarket to find it): it is an actual sauce, thick and rich and opaque, as opposed to flavorful vinegar; and it tastes, vividly and brightly and damn near erotically, of red chilis. Both of these distinctions arise from the fact that sriracha is actually made of pureed chilis, rather than simply infused with them."

There is an Arrested Development Documentary? There is an Arrested Development Documentary. Here is the trailer...(Gizmodo)

In other Arrested Development news, there will be no "Call Me Maeby" jokes in the new season. (Vulture)

Oh, and for those of you who still love SNL, Louis CK will be hosting on November 3rd.(Vulture)

File Under Zealots are ALWAYS BORING:
Toxic Atheism Drives People Apart. Think about that scold who is never willing to listen to anyone when they speak about faith and their rants about the sheep and such. They are awful people. (Salon)

File Under BribeStrong:
Lance Armstrong also bribes people. I am looking forward to the day when we discover the Lance Armstrong killed Jon-Benet.

I love this e-card from