Thursday, October 25, 2012

Interesting Things

With All Over Albany's Tournament of Pizza coming to an end for 2012, I present these two things. The final installment will be today (Go DeFazio's!). - I love pizza more than I love certain members of my family.

A scientist has developed a bandage for the roof of your mouth after mouth burn. No. Really. Your NSF money at work. Seriously. (Serious Eats)

Yes, someone at my Alma Mater is comparing sanctions against a fraternity to the tyranny of a repressive government. (Concordiensis)

Cee Lo has a Christmas Album. On this album, you can listen to Cee Lo sing "All You Need is Love" with Muppets. I thought the ruining of Christmas would be someone purchasing "A Christmas Story 2: The Official Sequel" and asking us to watch that. No, it is going to be handled by Cee Lo and those at Henson. Thanks. I appreciate that more than you know. (Pretty Much Amazing)

There are two people I know that will appreciate this. They are both women in their thirties. They both have Ph.Ds. That is where the similarities end, I suppose. This is for the two of them: JEM Barbies. ( Boing)

Horror Movies
Via Are We Living in a Golden Age of Horror Films?
Via Flavorwire: Ten Horror Movies You Did Not Realize Were Based on True Stories

The Tyranny of the Iron
I do not know Seth Stevenson. I am sure that a number of my friends may be acquainted with him. (The overlap of the smart people in my life that I am friendly with and writers for Slate is uncanny. Maybe it is someone who knew him at Brown or maybe Columbia...or a friend of a friend...whatever) I do think that his defense of laziness and sloppiness is unforgivable. Wrinkles clothing is not a goodness. Rumpled clothing is sometimes a calculated pose, but...wrinkled is just lazy and so far from flattering. I do not know why this upsets me like it did...but reading this in bed this morning almost made my head explode.

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