Saturday, January 24, 2009


Liveblog: It's Your Friday Night Battlestar Liveblog:

"Also, why is it that whenever Callie is around - even when she's just being mentioned - everything turns into LiveJournal drama? Seriously, did we really need a Questioning Paternity Moment with Tyrol discovering that his baby isn't really his baby? And needs a kidney? Soapy!"

Miserable Failure

Alex Balk - Yet another terrible Bush legacy for which President Obama is paying the price.:
"Yet another terrible Bush legacy for which President Obama is paying the price.

Obama is inheriting all the old links from Bush’s biography to the term “miserable failure” because the link to his biography was swapped for Bush’s on the White House site on Inauguration Day. As a result, a search for “miserable failure” on Yahoo will likely yield Obama’s biography, and on Google, a search for “failure” will do the same."

So...what are we to do about this?

Should we all link to Balk's Tumblr to protect Obama, give Balk the page views, and have Balk claim the title of the interwebs' "Miserable Failure"?

Do they have mobile homes in Alaska?

Wonkette : Sarah Palin’s Clothes Are In Trash Bags:

"So apparently Sarah Palin did return the clothes after all, albeit in TRASH BAGS and not on, oh say HANGERS like a civilized person would do. She probably didn’t even bother dry cleaning the ones she wore."

Friday, January 23, 2009

Some things, randomly

  1. I owe FAU a bottle of Maker's Mark thanks to the Cubs sale.
  2. Via the Times Union (who had it first) and Wonkette, Rep. Gillibrand (NY 20) will be the next Senator from the great State of New York.  What this means is that AG Cuomo is going to primary Gov. Paterson in 2010, ruining both of their chances to be Governor.  Which...I great...
  3. Oh she seems like a nice lady. Too bad for her that this report will be declared false within hours, when Caroline Kennedy leads a military coup. -Via the above Wonkette link
  4. The above also ends the saga of Caroline K., a young woman who dreamed of being a Senator since December, and considered it her birthright, since her dad, and two of her uncles were (or are {not at death's door, Caroline}) Senators.  Yeah...she wasn't qualified...yeah...she had a tax problem...oh, and a nanny problem...Poor Caroline.
  5. My Starbucks (which is the clostest to the State Capitol, which was chock full of reporters this morning setting up for live feeds for the Noon announcement of No. 2) was out of water this morning.  Not out of bottles of water.  Out of water.  As in they couldn't make coffee.  This, sadly, broke me. And, presumably, will drive all those nice reporting type people to the Stagecoach across the street./

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Oh, piling on Barry

Obama's First Fashion Faux Pas - Luxist:

"'I've been doing interviews about how purposeful and reasonably stylish Obama dresses and how he might just begin to set a new fashion bar for the congressional set,' Flusser tells Luxist, 'and then he goes and shows up in that hodgepodge of formalwear contrivance. In fact, although we make clothes for people he knows, I have been reluctant to reach out to him because he obviously has more on his plate than any one human is entitled to. However, after last night's display of sartorial naivety, I am now determined to throw my hat into the ring of potential fashion advisors/designers for his evolving Presidential wardrobe. Frankly I care less as to whether we make his clothes than teaching him what dressing in a statesman-like manner actually constitutes. I think he's just the greatest and I want nothing more for him than to succeed at everything.'"

On Snark...

Snarkin' It Up: Please Buy David Denby's Book, So He Can Stop Talking:

"No, you cannot. That's because 'snark' is not an actual, scientific term; it is a made-up word that means whatever the writer wants it to mean. Therefore your book, while perhaps eloquent (haven't read), is, in the end, just a preposterously meaningless rant. A sort of 'snark,' if you will."

Oh, Facebook!

Cops: Prostitution ring busted, man filmed sex -- Page 1 -- Times Union - Albany NY:

"A prostitution sting netted seven arrests in two locations late Wednesday, including a man who police say filmed the trysts with a Web camera out of his home.

The crackdown by the Albany County Sheriff's Department and Colonie Police targeted three reputed prostitution rings, with arrests being made in the private home and a Wolf Road hotel."

The article names names.

Including Tarah Kloss...Who has a Facebook

With this as her status...

Tarah Marie Kloss is the definition of female husler =).

All W.'s White House Needed Was Crayons

Whiners: Technology's White House of Horrors:

"This is not a story about digital pioneers getting cast back into the Stone Age; it's about a privileged elite learning how the rest of the country has to work. Those 'six-year-old versions of Microsoft software'? That must mean Windows XP. If you haven't noticed, most people still prefer XP over Microsoft's clunky, buggy, annoying new Vista. Here's a suggestion for the Obamans: Stop whining about the tools taxpayers have paid for, and get to work learning how to cope with what your employer gives you, just like the rest of us."

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Bad Books Are Bad Books Regardless of the Subject

Thom Yorke Hack Biography Coming Soon | Pitchfork:

"So get ready for 208 pages of second-hand interviews, 'meaningful' chats with grade school mates and sentences like, 'Yorke's eye might be lazy, but the same cannot be said of the man.' (Note: That's not an actual sentence from the book, I just made it up. Which makes me think-- why didn't I just down a couple ginger ale 'n' speed 'n' Red Bull combos and crank this thing out myself?"

Happy, because kids matter

Sasha and Malia’s Big Night - The Caucus Blog -

And the very best part? At the end of the hunt, the girls opened a door and found the members of their favorite musical group, the Jonas Brothers, waiting for them.

That's kind of awesome. All kinds of awesome, really.

And as much as people are saying that they aren't losing their father, they are...he belongs to all of us now, a father to the country.

I don't think that I could vote for a candidate that didn't have children. Not knowing that fear, and those joys, that accompany parenting limits the ability of someone to lead, to nurture, to protect and to understand what a large majority of the American public goes through.

I am all for those who want to be childless (or child free) but...again...don't think I could vote for them.

Madame Secretary

Clinton Is Approved as Secretary of State; Holder Vote Delayed -

"The only senators opposing the nomination were David Vitter of Louisiana and Jim DeMint of South Carolina, both Republicans."

Let us remember that David Vitter has been caught in not one but TWO separate investigations regarding prostitution.

This family man who as a Congressman chastised the President, Bill Clinton, for alleged affairs.

This man who married a shrew who criticized Secretary Clinton's behavior by "standing by her man" (btw, the woman is still with the Senator).


He's from South Carolina, a state that has Steve Spurrier as the smartest and most recognizable resident.


There are two programs which have an appeal to the masses that I will never understand.

24 & The L Word

I am not going to defend this here but...

Unwatchable Tripe!

He is the President....was there any doubt?

Obama Will Get His Blackberry - Marc Ambinder:

"President Barack Obama is going to get his blackberry.

On Monday, a government agency that the Obama administration -- but that is probably the National Security Agency -- added to a standard blackberry a super-encryption package.... and Obama WILL be able to use it ... still for routine and personal messages."

(via Wonkette)

The continuing Hitler-Campbell Family Saga

Toddler Hitler's Mom: "I Just Want My Children Back" - Gothamist: New York City News, Food, Arts & Events:

"'My husband and I would never abuse our children. I just want my children back. I'm begging people to stand behind us and for an attorney to come forward.'"

Really? They haven't been able to find an attorney?

You mean no one will step up and do this pro-bono?

I am shocked!

Battlestar Galatica Question

On the most recent episode of BSG (Ep 413, "Sometimes a Great Notion") we learn that the Thirteenth Colony (Earth) was colonized by Cylons (for those of you who do not know what Cylons are, they are sort of the Stepford Wives combined with Mormons).

Now this is going to be picayune fanboyism, but...

In episode 317 ("A Measure of Salvation"), we find out that there was a marker left by the Thirteenth Tribe on their way to Earth.  This marker has the effect of making the Cylons very sick, thanks to encephilitis, and that humans have developed an immunity to this.

Now, if the marker was infected by the Thirteenth Tribe (mistakenly), that caused the modern Cylons do become so ill that it threatened the existence of their race, why didn't the Thirteenth Tribe get sick?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Linux News: Social Networking: Avatars in Tuxes: Second Life Hosts Inaugural Ball:

"There are those who would dismiss Second Life's Inaugural Ball as a mere novelty, but it is more akin to the novelty of a first black president: It may be hailed for the moment as something sparkly and new, and, in truth, the initial moment may be little more than fanfare, but still the event marks an undeniable change in the future evermore."

A) I dismiss it out of hand.
B) It is not at all like an African American President.
C) See A.

People, Second Life is dead. It was dead from the beginning.

It will not rise from the grave that the zombie of your choice to terrorize young children, nor will it spur more investment in those interwebs that people are talking about.


Like the Apple Newton...or decent dramas on broadcast television.

What crazy clothing

Sailboat Embroidered Corduroy Trousers

The questions isn't,"Why buy these pants?"

The question is, "Why shouldn't I buy these pants?"

Obama's Place

01.20.09 - Vox:

"When I was engaged to be soon-to-be husband was amazed to learn that his future child could become President of the United States if he was born a citizen. He was proud to now live in a country where you could make anything of yourself.

I found his optimism and faith in his new country sweet. But when I told that story at a bridal dinner given by my coworkers, one particularly nasty and unpleasant woman told me that no child with a last name like Y----- and the child of an African immigrant would ever become President."

When someone asked me why there was a rock concert like atmosphere to the inauguration, I responded with, "This country is in the worst shape it has been in a generation...and the people need more than ever, and what is Obama...but hope personified?"

The Lion of the Senate

Live Blog: The Inauguration of Barack Obama - The Caucus Blog -

"Senator Edward M. Kennedy suffered convulsions at the Inaugural Luncheon and was taken from Statuary Hall in a wheel chair that had been lowered to a reclining position.

There was no immediate word on his condition but President Obama, getting up to speak, seemed slightly shaken."

This would be an incredible blow on an otherwise happy and exciting day for the Republic, would be a fitting passing of the torch from the old liberal ideal to the new liberal ideal...provided that President Obama embraces a liberal ideal.

Wonkette Snark

Wonkette : Liveblogging President Obama’s Gettysburg Address To His Nation Of Slobs:

"12:17 — He says that earlier generations shot down “fascism and communism” not just with “weapons and tanks.” Well the first one was kinda shot down by weapons and tanks exclusively… but still, yeah, Clinton over there at State, doing the talky with other countries."

On the Media?

The Ayn Rand Center for Individual Rights: Big Government, not Big Media, Threatens Free Speech:

"All speech requires control of material resources, whether by standing on a soapbox, starting a blog, running a newspaper ad, or buying a radio station. Media corporations simply do this on a larger scale...Some of today’s most prominent voices, such as Matt Drudge, have succeeded without huge financial resources. But regardless of how large a media company grows, it can never--Dorgan’s complaints notwithstanding--determine what media Americans consume. It must continually earn its audience. Fox News may be the leading news channel today, but if it doesn’t produce shows people want to watch, it will have all the influence of ham radio."


That's what you are focusing on today, good people at the ARI? Really?

A Longtime Ritual

via Balk

Continuing a White House ritual, President George W. Bush left a note in the Oval Office for President-elect Barack Obama, wishing him well as he takes the reins of the executive branch.

The White House on Tuesday declined to provide intimate details of the message the two-term Republican left for the incoming Democrat, saying only that Bush wrote it on Monday and left it in the top drawer of his desk.

AP via Google News

Presidential Snark

Obamanaugural: Your Obama Inaugural Liveblog:

"11:06: In a couple minutes, the Marine Corps Band will play 'Hail to the Chief' to President Bush for the very last time ever. After today every time Bush enters a room the band will play 'I Can't Go For That' by Hall and Oates."

It's About Time

Philips Unplugs W | News | Animal:

"Newspaper advert via DDB London for Philips' Power4Life portable USB charger. Not a great ad. Not even that good of an ad—exploiting politicians/famous people is lazy borrowed interest thinking. But at least the Dutch electronics giant didn't add its name to the growing glut of advertisers biting Barack Obama's style . Today, however, is not about advertising. Today, is about mission fucking accomplished."

Monday, January 19, 2009

A Social Medium

The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan (January 17, 2009) - Facebook vs. Google:

"Google and its partners want to collapse the barriers to social and give each and every one of us an entourage.

There's just one hiccup in this plan: Facebook, the place where many of us already have our entourage."

So, if you found one site that would allow you to link everything...a social nexus...would you do it or do you cater your statements to your audience?

My favorite headline of the day...

Yacht Makers React To The Economic Crisis - Luxist



Coraline Trailers: 3 New Coraline Videos Explore The Beauty Of Neil Gaiman's "Other Mother"

Three new videos.

My son and I are both really excited to see this!

ID10T Error

Linux News: Blogosphere: Woman Quits College, Blames Ubuntu, Is Flamed by Overzealous Fanboys:

"Some members of the Linux community relentlessly flamed a woman who dropped out of college after finding her laptop -- which was running Ubuntu -- didn't work as expected. Others came to her defense, but not before she was dismissed as 'stupid' and 'ignorant."

A) The Dell rep should be spoken to regarding this.
B) Dropping out of college seems like an extreme solution to an OS issue.
C) 'Buntu fan boys need to compensate less for having zero social skills and really tiny units.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

A Memory

An e-mail from the Clinton (Hillary) campaign just came through...apparently the last one...

The caused a memory...

I saw the end of Hillary's announcement on the steps of the NYS Capitol Building.

That wasn't the most exciting part of my day...

Though, I was there...

That day...

A) I saw Hillary announce.
B) I read McCathy's "The Road"
C) I saw Elvis Costello at the Ed Sullivan Theater with Sandor.

It was a very good day and a very good memory.

Free Cosmetics On Tuesday

Free Cosmetics On Tuesday - Luxist:

"When you aren't watching the Inauguration on Tuesday you might want to find a department store and get pick up a free cosmetic. As part of a class action settlement, $175 million worth of free cosmetics products will be distributed to customers who between 1994 and 2003 purchased a product from the manufacturers named in the suit. The freebies will be available for a maximum of seven days, while supplies last, on a first come, first served basis starting on January 20. Stores including Macy's, Bloomingdale's, Saks Fifth Avenue, Neiman Marcus, Carson Pirie Scott, Nordstrom and several other chains while be offering selected items from Dior, Chanel, Guerlain, Clinique, Lancome and more. No receipt is required and there will only be one per customer."

Just Relax Just Relax

Cannibal Cheerleader: Never Gonna Let You Down Now...:

"An amusing anecdote for the Cannibal Cheerleader faithful. It's no small secret that we're huge horror fans here at CC, so imagine our surprise when we Google 'cannibal cheerleader' and come across an upcoming film featuring just that - a cheerleader who goes about slaughtering and devouring her male classmates. Yes it seems that Diablo Cody of Juno fame long ago penned a horror script entitled Jennifer's Body (titled perhaps off the Hole track of the same name from their seminal LP Live Through This) and its currently being produced with eyes on a September release. Starring Megan Fox as the title character and featuring dark humor (ala Heathers), oodles of gore, and much talked about female nudity, we have already labeled Jennifer's Body as the best film of 2009. Now, some may disagree about labeling any piece of media as the 'best of' this early in the year. However, we at Cannibal Cheerleader think that we've found the cinematic equivalent of Merriweather Post Pavillion for 2009, and we plan to bring you obsessive coverage of the film throughout the year. Brace yourselves.

Hole - 'Jennifer's Body'"

While I am interested, Diablo F'ing Cody...really?


Luddites: Obama's Staff Facing Life Without IM:

"The cutesy coverage of instant messaging — 'CU l8r 2 IM,' writes Ben Smith in Politico — is foolishly dismissive, failing to recognize that a generation which grew up with IM at home has made it indispensable at work."

I know that I find it (IM) indispensable and I find people who refuse to use it for whatever reason to be more than a little silly...

A pop song for the aged...

You know, there are a lot of pop songs about being a teen and those transitions, and there are some bands that perform these songs well into their forties...(I am talking about you Violent Femmes) which struck me as awkward...

Imperial Teen's Room with a View is almost perfect in pulling the fears of getting older together into a three and a half minute pop song...

"No Surprises" Sung By Children

(via Green Plastic Radiohead)

This is only a little bit of a mind frak...

While I applaud a choral teacher who would program Radiohead...

A heart that's full up like a landfill
A job that slowly kills you
Bruises that won't heal

You look so tired and unhappy
Bring down the government
They don't, they don't speak for us