Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Obama's Place

01.20.09 - Vox:

"When I was engaged to be married...my soon-to-be husband was amazed to learn that his future child could become President of the United States if he was born a citizen. He was proud to now live in a country where you could make anything of yourself.

I found his optimism and faith in his new country sweet. But when I told that story at a bridal dinner given by my coworkers, one particularly nasty and unpleasant woman told me that no child with a last name like Y----- and the child of an African immigrant would ever become President."

When someone asked me why there was a rock concert like atmosphere to the inauguration, I responded with, "This country is in the worst shape it has been in a generation...and the people need hope...now more than ever, and what is Obama...but hope personified?"

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