Friday, May 14, 2010

This Explains A Lot

Cavaliers Go Out With A Whimper - LeBron James - Deadspin:

"And worst of all ... oh, the Celtics. Bill Simmons' 'Celtics Chants' stunt may or may not have affected the outcome of the game—I'll go with 'not'—but Boston fans were indeed shouting jabs in unison on his command. So guess what annoying trend will take over sports world next fall? Mark it down: By Labor Day, every college football and basketball squad in the country will have a Twitter account, run by some over-caffeinated accounting major who just knows that he loves his team the team the mostest, and it will be ordering student sections around via smartphone. So much more efficient that just, you know, cheering spontaneously. The future is here and it is obnoxious. Thanks a lot."

This makes me smile

"Law & Order" D.O.A.? - The Awl: "

Has NBC brought the gavel down on the original-formula Law & Order after 20 seasons of telling the stories of the police who investigate crimes and the district attorneys who prosecute the offenders? Nikki Finke's site is saying yes!"

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I Need Suggestions

I need a coffee shop within walking distance that has wifi, tables and chairs, and a healthy respect for privacy (which eliminates the Muddy Cup because there are often too many college students (SUNYA and St. Rose) in there who are pretending that their opinions matter and that their first job out of college won't include the phrase, "Would you like to biggie size that?") because if Starbucks has become "hobofied" whatever am I going to do...

I suppose there is Scratch, but their chairs aren't comfortable enough...

Or...I could just make my own.

Starbucks: Now Completely Hobofied - Starbucks - Gawker:

"If every uncouth truck-driver has his onion ring-thickened meaty paws wrapped around a Starbucks-affiliated product to enhance the crystal meth he smoked for breakfast, Starbucks has truly has taken its niche evil to an entirely new and more alarming level."

Why Does It Matter?

A) It doesn't matter.
B) She wouldn't be the first LGBT member of the SCotUS. (as TDS reminds us, the name rhymes with Alia)
C) If Eliot Spitzer says you are straight, he should know.

Spitzer Denies Romancing Elena Kagan! My Word! - The Awl:

"Eliot Spitzer has been trotted out as a character witness for Supreme Court Justice nominee Elene Kagan's heterosexuality in the world's most ridiculous Internet show trial that proves the Internet has its head so far inside the Internet's own butt."

Which is in response to this from Ben Smith at Politico:

Elena Kagan is not a lesbian, one of her best friends told POLITICO Tuesday night, responding to persistent rumors and innuendo about the Supreme Court nominee’s personal life.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Fire Him

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

I know that most people who hear the name "Miranda" and they think of the professional red head from Sex and the City but it is a way for letting people know about their Constitutional Rights and Holder calling for a change to it is...obscene.

And Kagan agreeing with Holder's position yesterday means that she may be...not right for the SCotUS. Not because of anything else...because she is wrong with her ideas.

You could try to disagree, but there is no point.

Jay-Z's Greatest Hits - The Awl:

"It's fun to argue about who is the best rapper in hip-hop history: Rakim? Ice Cube? The Notorious B.I.G.? Andre from Outkast? It's way less fun to argue about who is the greatest rapper in hip-hop history. As to that question, with its parameters expanded beyond matters of technical skill into overall body of work, cultural impact, stature and star power, it's becoming increasingly clear that there is only one answer and it is Jay-Z."

Monday, May 10, 2010

Ear Worm that I Blame FAU for.

I should also blame a handful of women who went to CCHS and Rick (yes, from Union, remember, we were friends in high school too) for making me love this album...

FAU put it in my head maybe a week ago and it didn't come to dominate until about three hours ago...


Proud to be a father

After TEA and I saw Iron Man 2 on Friday, he and I went for ice cream, and we talked about the movie, the similarity between Tony Stark and Bruce Wayne, and music. He was singing along to this while we were walking down State Street and then in one of the proudest moments of my life, he asked, "Daddy, can you e-mail me that song?"

My son wants to listen to Sabbath.

Yay me.

Iron Man.

The New Dead

Some days and weeks are all about the living dead.

This is where The New Dead comes in.

This collection of short stories (Available at or at Zombie Planet (where I got it)) features some of the more disturbing stories of the undead that I have read to date, including "What Maisie Knew" (no, not the Henry James story, but that is referenced very specifically) by David Liss (who also wrote A Conspiracy of Paper (which is not a zombie novel) which I have recommended to all of you at least once.) which made me feel...not great to be a man and to be part of a society.


If you are looking for something interesting and zombie related, please check it out.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

My Subconscious is trying to kill me

The night before last I had a dream where I had to move back in with my ex-wife and her husband because I was suffering from a terminal disease and I had no place else to go. While there, TEA's horse kicked me in the forehead and my ex-father-in-law (while naked) accused me of being a drain on his daughter's family and a general loser. I woke up terrified and checking my forehead for the wound.

Last night, I had a dream where I failed to listen to a voice mail from a recruiter who had offered me a job and because I failed to respond in a timely manner, I lost out on an $80,000/year job.

I was compelled to check my voicemail this morning.

My relief and disappointment was equal.

I think I may have to resort to sleep enhancers from here on out so that I don't wake up drenched in sweat and fearing that I have screwed up my life even worse.

My child is infected with irony

At TulipFest yesterday, TEA and I decided to make a pizza run.

While walking back, he informed me that he had purchased two wooden articulated snakes.

I asked him, "Did you get the other for H. (his infant brother)?"

His response:

Yeah, let's go with that.


What have I done?

More Pictures from Tulipfest 2010

TEA and Anya hula hooping!

(a variation of this photo may be in the Schenectady Gazette today. As I neither get that paper nor do I want to deal with their pay wall, can anyone verify for me.)




Hula hooping in the hail!

Erica in the hail!

Brooke's Sparkle Hoops!

Custom made in Vermont!