Friday, December 19, 2008

It's Like A Winter Woodstock

Well, they haven't quite shut down the Thruway...yet...

Poor Ben Silverman

Op-Ed Contributor - Extinction-Level Television Event -

"Now, because the expanding television universe is shrinking individual audiences, and because NBC has shown depraved indifference to the idea of program development for the last decade, the network has no better option for the hour than moving Jay Leno from late night to prime time."

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Who you callin' stupid, stupid?

Games by Gov. Blago --

People are stupid, and they're going to get a lot stupider.

Pardon my grammar, but that's my take on the two blockbuster news events of last week—the arrest of Gov. Rod Blagojevich and the Chapter 11 filing by Tribune Co.

Why so pessimistic about the public IQ?
But what, tell me, other than mass stupidity, explains why voters in the 2002 primary chose this delusional Howdy Doody over Paul Vallas, an accomplished public administrator, and then again in the 2006 general election over Republican Judy Baar Topinka, a solid public official?

Leitch on Deadpsin sums it up better than I can:

It takes a special sort of journalistic jujitsu to find a direct correlation between Gov. Blago to MySpace in about 15 words. That would be worthy of salutation, Mr. McCarron, were I not such a mongoloid that I can't bring my hand near my head without accidentally slapping myself. Fortunately, I can go watch "American Idol" now and ignore all the planet's goings-on! Whew! Is that a newspaper over there? Get that away from me! Its inherent intelligence could corrupt my empty placidity!

In Leitch's piece, he also references the "Adolf Hitler Campbell" story from earlier today, saying...

You know, you think Adolf's pissed now, just wait a decade or so, when he tries to get his personalized license plates.

Absurd But Wonderful

20 Thick, Juicy Questions With Aqua Teen's Meatwad | The Underwire from " Do you remember the animal(s) from which you were originally ground?

Meatwad: I've got a tough side, and a sweet side, like Mr. T. So they probably ground up some mighty beasts, like two lions and a cobra. Then something cute. A panda perhaps."

Johnny Cash is Responsible for the Big Three Failing

With my big lunchbox and with help from my friends
I left that day with a lunch box full of gears
Now, I never considered myself a thief
GM wouldn't miss just one little piece
Especially if I strung it out over several years.

No cake for you! Store won't serve 3-year-old 'Adolf Hitler Campbell'

Who would do this to a child?
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

And the First Cat Returns

Poignant: Obama Reaches Out to Dying Socks

Now, here is the good news: Socks is back in political favor! Obama's transition co-chairman is John Podesta, and Podesta just hired Currie to be his secretary!

But here is the bad news: Socks has cancer. He's 19! That is very old, for a cat. At least he outlived his mortal enemy, Buddy the Dog.


Alex Balk - The most depressing sentence ever written

“A Texas man has been arrested after a 9-year-old girl wrote to Santa Claus asking that a relative stop touching her and her sister.”

(via Yahoo)

Alien Hoax: Alien Invasion Hoax Exposes Croatia’s Military Hair Trigger

Alien Hoax: Alien Invasion Hoax Exposes Croatia’s Military Hair Trigger

Residents of Zagreb panicked last week when they heard radio reports of UFO sighting. The station’s journalists admitted to a War of the Worlds-inspired hoax, but claim this hoax held a deeper purpose...The Croatian radio journalists admitted only around noon that their report was a joke, aimed at ridiculing Mayor Milan Bandić’s plans to turn Zagreb into a police stronghold. Bandić intended to supply the police with a helicopter, an unmanned flying device, an armoured car and other special instruments, as well as to build a fortified command centre.


Part of me likes the ridicule aspect.

Part of me likes citizens testing the command and control structure of their local governments.

My fear is that if someone tried something like this here, they would end up in an undisclosed location,

Monday, December 15, 2008

Holiday Greetings from Albany, New York

Taken a moment ago.

For all the corruption, venality, and downright stupidity that comes from this building...

It can be quite pretty.

Caroline Kennedy to Seek Clinton’s Senate Seat -

Caroline Kennedy to Seek Clinton’s Senate Seat -

Just going to say this...but...Kennedy + Senator from NY = Tragedy (with past performance being indicative)