This is my blog. I speak for no one but myself here. The words I write, the images I post, and the articles I link to interest no one but me. I stand by what I put here, however, it is not a reflection of time, effort, or particular care. I just want a clearinghouse of what does interest me and a space to spout out poorly written and thoughtout rants. Consider this a disclaimer.
Friday, February 6, 2009
My new "happy" site
"Today, my boyfriend of 2 years sent me a text messages saying, 'Don't worry I'm gonna break up with her soon. Love you.' FML"
Not funny...
Therapist or The Rapist?
State Police said that the school resource officer at Tamarac High School in Brunswick became suspicious when Hastings picked up the teenager, then a freshman, from the school and claimed to be his sister. An BCI investigation revealed that she was the boy's court-appointed counselor and that she had allegedly moved the counseling sessions from the school to her car in the school parking lot. Police said that the teen has admitted having sexual intercourse with Hastings during September and October last year.
Although there are no allegations that the sexual contact was forced, the age of consent in New York State is 17. Coffey had argued that the teenage boy had allegedly threatened to expose Hastings if she ended the affair.
Wonkette has a...heart?
"Child molester scandals are not funny, like hooker-diaper scandals, or comically implausible, like the Larry Craig wide stance scandal, and they reveal no particular hypocrisy like the old “Gay-hating Republican hates gays, except when they are sucking their cocks” scandals. Child molester scandals are horrible for the accused and the accuser."
A) I happen to agree.
B) It is almost amazing that Wonkette takes this stance, and I applaud them (especially Sara) for saying it. Some things are funny, some things are crass, and some things are a horror perpetuated by evil and sick people who do not deserve to live within society.
Love the GOP sometimes.
"From: Carol Carter
Friday, January 30, 9:30 AM
Subject: FW: Amazing!
I’m confused
How can 2,000,000 blacks get into Washington, DC in 1 day in sub zero temps when 200,000 couldn’t get out of New Orleans in 85 degree temps with four days notice?
Carol Carter
From: Carol Carter
January 30, 5:54 PM
Subject: Earlier e-mail
I have been asked to send this apology for my earlier e-mail. I am sorry that it was received in a negative manner. I do hope that we are going to be allowed to keep our sense of humor."
Thursday, February 5, 2009
They have a point...
"President Obama gets to enjoy all sorts of goodies as the leader of the free world, such as a fat salary, a driver and a chef, and free transportation to just about anywhere."
Not a particularly good one, but a point nonetheless.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Link Dump
2) n+1: One More Time...The Britney Symposium
3) From the WSJ: Wealth Report or feeding off the carcasses of the Madoff victims.
4) Telegraph: Gordon Brown is going blind
5) Not Hating, Just Saying, "Obama Picks, Pay Your Taxes"
6) Google Latitude lets people know where you are.*
7) Via BaristaBabe: Leslie Stahl interviews Rachel Maddow.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Today's Horoscope
I am excited about this.
"Souls stars Paul Giamatti as an actor called Paul Giamatti, who discovers a company that offers to transplant or store human souls, only to give his own soul up in favor of someone else's."
Sunday, February 1, 2009
"George, the half-brother of Barack Obama, was arrested in Nairobi for possession of illegal drugs. The dude had one joint!"
BHO has his own Billy Carter!
Let the recession role!
In four years, I fear, it will be morning in America again.
Why Felix? Oh! That's why.
"Last night's Battlestar Galactica episode, 'The Oath,' about a violent, tragic anti-cylon rebellion in the Fleet, was one of the series' best. It was also a character study of how a good person goes bad."
In a quote from a friends-locked LiveJournal entry, a friend says, "I look forward to watching Felix die a very slow and very painful death. Every time he winced as a result of his leg I felt a little jolt of glee."
One has to ask, what is the point of this character?
For years, this very compelling series has been a sci-fi counterpoint to post 9/11 America. It was "24" where the end of the crisis was ALWAYS much more terrifying (in terms of the human capacity for self deception wrapped in righteousness) than the end game that was envisioned in the mind's eye.
Gaeta, in an Obama-verse, is the failure of the belief in hope. What hope ultimately grants you is delusion.
So Say We All.
You know what this means?
"Peter Cervelli, a research geophysicist with the observatory, told CNN that 'every indication is that we're heading toward an eruption.'
Cervelli said scientists don't know exactly when it will happen, but if it does happen, it could be days or weeks -- or even hours.
'I would not be surprised to see it erupt at anytime,' Cervelli said. 'We're going to know it when we see it.'
That eruption spread ash in Kenai and Anchorage, where it disrupted air traffic operations. Cervelli said the ash plumes caused engine failure on a jet."
Sarah Palin will not longer be able to see Russia from her house.