Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Goodbye, Old Friend


1994 - October 27, 2010

Friend, Confidant, Wing-Man, & Damn Good Dog.

Cry Havoc and Let Loose the Dogs of War

JMFJT is incapable of keeping an opinion to herself. (I am a pot here.)

She now has a forum to vent. Seriously. While before her victims were people within earshot, now she has the population of the planet.

You can find her musings at JMFJT.

Enjoy. Comment. Bookmark. And add her RSS feed.

The First Official Movember Update of 2010

So, I am doing Movember again and you can too!

Feel free to rock your 'Mo like you are a 70's Porn Star!

As of November 1st, I will start posting pictures daily, but for now, here is a sneak peak at what I am going to be rocking!

If you would like to make a donation, please use this link.

Just think of how sad your world would be without the services of balls and prostates, and think about the men in your life who have been affected by cancer of their man-parts.

It isn't funny, I know, but I need to laugh because otherwise it is just tragic.

Anyway, donate early, donate often, and make fun of my 'mo as much as you damn well please.


Dating While Pregnant

Just read it.

Now, here is the issue:

It is not that she wants someone to share her life with while she is pregnant with another man's spawn.

It is that she is mentioning it publicly. Of course she wants to be with someone, especially when she calves like a glacier, but posting it to the Times Union provides horrible optics.

Everyone's priorities are screwed up sometimes, but you pretend that your priorities are in line properly for the sake of your children.

Here is the thing Ms. Padilla, your child (and I see you are publicly rooting for a daughter, I assume you understand that it won't be like Gilmore Girls, and what if you have a son?), will see this.

They will be able to Google your name in about eight years, and they will ask questions.

You have time to figure out your answers.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

And now I feel old(er)

Let us leave this as a hypothetical situation.

I may have gone to Price Chopper in Brunswick.

I may have purchased something that required age verification (alcohol, tobacco, or allergy medication).

A manager may have come over to do age verification.

When I stated my age (9-3-74), the cashier (Haley, of course) may have stated, "That's the year that my mom was born."

I may feel really old right now.

Monday, October 25, 2010

And I made a mix.

(Yes, fellow Facebookers, this is the mix I was referring to.)

(Look Sarah, the Smiths are no where on it.)

Sabotage - Beastie Boys
Gimme Shelter - The Rolling Stones
Lust for Life - Iggy Pop
Alive & Amplified - The Mooney Suzuki
Modern Love - David Bowie
Loser - Beck
Everything She Wants - Wham!
Voices Carry - 'Til Tuesday
Mr. Brightside - The Killers
Queen Of Apology - The Sounds
Under Pressure - The Used/My Chemical Romance
Cruel Summer - Bananarama
No Rain - Blind Melon
(Nice Dream) - Radiohead
Keep The Car Running - Arcade Fire
Sweet Child O' Mine - Guns N' Roses

There is a theme to this, and there is a certain playfulness to the order.

Don't Drive Day

A week from tomorrow is Election Day and I am sure many of you are excited about the prospect of your candidate or candidates winning the hearts and minds of your fellow citizens…

Good for you.

I am glad that you are confident that your vote matters (Yeah, it really doesn’t.) and I am sure that after voting, you will drive home with a sense of accomplishment.

And there is the problem…

No, not you voting (but your vote really doesn’t matter), but you driving.

So, I am asking that we create a new holiday, or day of observance.

The first Thursday following the first Wednesday of November shall be Don’t Drive Day.

Why? Well, first of all, to encourage people to take alternate means of transportation to and from work, play, school, or the running of chores. Secondly, to help people realize how easy it is to get around without the tyranny of a motorized vehicle. Finally, to get people out of the glass and metal boxes of privacy that keeps you from noticing the people around you. (This can be both good and bad as someone who sat next to me on the bus last week was the spitting image and size of Precious [complete with young child].)

In addition, you will be doing something that does matter, casting a vote with your feet, and maybe making the world a little bit better during the first week of November.

Oh, and if you say that it isn’t practical for you to use public transportation because you live too far from work or you live in some Godforsaken ‘burb-clave that doesn’t believe in sustainable communities, well, that’s your own damn fault.

And the one last thing that I care to offer is that riding a bus is perfectly safe. I do it all the time. JMFJT tried to claim yesterday that riding CDTA was unsafe or dangerous. The highway after a couple of football games were played…yeah. The bus is a lot safer.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

And I am going to do it again…First Movember Update

Hey folks,

As of next Monday, I am going to be rocking a mo’ for Movember.

As some of you remember, I grew one out last year for the fundraiser (and there are awful pictures of Paige and I in New York to prove it) and Pete convinced me to do it again this year.

So, donate early and often and the links to the donation page will be up soon.

(For the record, I have already started it…and I am keeping the soul patch, which my father AND JMFJT refer to as the “ball tickler”…because they both enjoy impugning my sexuality…but I am going to look…well not good…but…committed.)