Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Book Alert

Sense & Sensibility & Seamonsters.

What a Guy?!?

"I don't believe in junk science and I don't believe in man-made global warming," Goewey said. "I see it as a boondoggle for researchers looking for grants." (TU)

Ken Gowey is running for Governor of New York State.

Read the above statement.

Wow.  Someone who sells gas guzzling monsters isn't convinced about global climate change?  That's unbelievable. 

This man is seeking the highest Statewide office as...a Republican or as an Independent.  If he gets the GOP nod (and let's be blunt, he will probably be better than Rudy), it will do more damage to the party than the recent Senate Fiasco, which would be quite a trick.

Someone like Ken Gowey makes David Paterson look like a dynamic and competent civic leader. 

Via All Over Albany

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Monday, July 13, 2009

Notes from an Interconnected World

A friend from Houston who is in Singapore contacted me over IM to call a business in Houston from Albany with my New Jersey number.

I find this to be a bit surreal but...then again, that's what I have been arguing for.