Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Album Project

So, I have been soliciting friends for their lists of their twenty five favorite albums. I would like to start posting these lists (or links to the lists) here with the tag of "The Album Project".

Music is a lot more personal than books or films and I am curious about what my friends (and strangers) like and what I am forgetting.

Anyway, without further ado, here is my list:

1) Radiohead - OK Computer
2) Liz Phair - Exile In Guyville
3) Rage Against the Machine
4) Tool - Lateralus
5) The Cure - Disintegration
6) Radiohead - I Might Be Wrong
7) Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young - So Far
8) Bloc Party - Silent Alarm
9) Smashing Pumpkins - Siamese Dream
10) Ben Folds Five
11) Sinead O'Connor - The Lion & The Cobra
12) Arcade Fire - Neon Bible
13) The Killers - Hot Fuss
14) Bruce Springsteen - The River
15) Zero 7 - The Garden
16) The Pixies - At the BBC
17) Husker Du - Zen Arcade
18) Michael Jackson - Thriller
19) Bob Mould - Body of Song
20) Lush - Gala
21) Jaydiohead
22) Pearl Jam - Ten
23) REM - Monster
24) Elvis Costello - This Year's Model
25) Nirvana - In Utero

Yes, I have two Radiohead albums in the top ten, and I had five in the top forty that I put together, but it is my list. I also noticed no jazz, or country and not a heck of a lot or respect for my elders. The only hip hop on the list is a mashup between Radiohead and Jay-Z.

Maybe I need to diversify? My tastes to run to the really pedestrian though, don't they?

Random Things

A) I had a dream last night about having to get four copies of the DVD set "The Golden Girls: The Lost Episodes" for FAU, PVH1976, SandorS, and BaristaBabe. I could only locate three copies, so I had to find the fourth. It became quite an involved search and there was stylized violence. Very New Cap City.

B) This song came to mind today:

C) It was nice enough at lunch that my face sunburned a little bit which is welcome. It was warm enough where wearing a polo and jeans still may have left me too warm. Tomorrow, Albany goes back to late March weather.

D) Oh, and in the ECAC Finals, Union College lost to the bad calls of the refs and the play of the guys from a hotel management school.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Filed Under Unsurprising

The lawyer for a Portland man, who is suing the organization for failing to protect him from a serial abuser, obtained the files as part of the case, say the Associated Press. "The Boy Scouts of America ignored clear warning signs that Boy Scouts were being abused," he said. The scouts, meanwhile, counter that they did everything they could.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Well, it isn't "Team of Rivals"

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter

The trailer is not as good as the one for the prequel to P&P&Z, but that should be expected.

Neither Proud Nor Embarrassed

At one point, I thought this song was so freaking cool. I thought it would be eternal.

Now, it is a punchline and used ironically by the "mehgetarians" but I say we reclaim it as something awesome...

I am willing to take other suggestions.

This post was inspired by KC. I hope it helps.

How to Run an Ad on Fox News

The SlateV Team Bought Ad Time on Fox News using Google TV Ads.

The commercial that they ran, especially on Fox, is hilarious.

Via The Slate Political Gabfest.

Tea Party Folks Sure Are Good People

Check out the hat on the man who is the object of their scorn and derision. And why Ohio? I know a couple of people from there and they seem like nice, normal, well adjusted people and while we probably disagree on most things political, it is in a friendly way...

But this seems like a rally made up of...wait for it...Joe the Plumber.

Via the Union College Alumni Group on LinkedIn

Or you can just watch Jon Stewart talk about them...

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Health-Con1 - The Mediscarening
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorHealth Care Reform

Edit: After watching the YouTube video again, what is it with complete pains in the ass and wearing your phone on your belt? Are you Batman?

Earth Hour

Earth Hour 2010 will continue to be a global call to action to every individual, every business and every community. A call to stand up, to show leadership and be responsible for our future.

Pledge your support here and turn off your lights for one hour, Earth Hour, 8.30pm, Saturday 27th March 2010.

My question is, why hasn't the City of Albany or New York State pledged to do this?

Quite a few other states (Including big states like California ) have made the pledge. Even more cities have become involved.

See the map.

March Madness?

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

I encourage every man to get one.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Two Media Things

First, the trailer for the book prequel to P&P&Z:

You can also download two chapters. (Via The Independent)

Thanks to PVH1976 for this!

Secondly, SyFy is considering another spinoff to Ron Moore's Battlestar Galatica Universe.

"We're looking for other ways to spin off 'Battlestar' beyond 'Caprica,' " he said. "That world is so rich. We're sitting down with (executive producer) Ron Moore and his team. It would not necessarily be a traditional series."
(Hollywood Reporter)

Via Geek-O-System

Green Albany

Albany makes the Top 10 of the Green Metro Index

This index takes into account statistics in 20 different indicators of a city's "greenness," including adoption of green technologies, utilization of environmentally sound practices and air and water quality.

Via All Over Albany

Nothing of consequence

A couple of months ago, I asked someone why her boyfriend didn't like me and she replied that it was because we were once involved.

I responded with something like, "What? When were we involved?"

She came back with, "We were involved and I treated you like s**t."

I am thirty five years old. I have been in relationships for more than twenty years.

I never thought that I would forget being involved with someone. Seriously. Not that I did not want to be involved with this person, was never there.

I am thinking about this because I am thinking about how all my relationships (romantic and otherwise) work. This thing has been sticking in the back of my throat like peanut butter for three months now, and I still don't know how to address it. More so than anything my ex-wife ever said to me, this has bothered me.

I would not realize that I was "involved" with someone? What does involved mean? Dating? In a relationship? Sleeping with each other?

I suppose one of the reasons that I am having problems processing this is because I am bad at relationships (again, romantic and otherwise) and I distrust the very nature of interpersonal discourse.

Going forward, I am going to try to realize when and if I am "involved" with someone, but for now, I am still looking at the situation and shaking my head like an Irish Setter with a gnat in his ear.

Sometimes, You Need Something Pretty


The Hummingbird Nest Cam

As FAU has pointed out, I may have a thing for birds...not that I want to marry one, J.D. Hayworth, but...this is nice and relaxing to watch.

Video streaming by Ustream

Via The Awl

Rachel v. J.D. Hayworth

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Rachel Maddow interviews J.D. Hayworth (who is in a primary race against Sen. John McCain in Arizona) about a number of things...including his belief that SSM will lead to man and horse marriages.

Gawker has coverage on this.

I first saw this yesterday on the Huffington Post.

Here is Hayworth's quote:

Maybe horse marriage is an issue in Arizona, but it isn't in MA...I know it is in Washington State.

While I am Composing a Real Post

Winterpills - Broken Arm

Indie Folk Rock from the Berkshires, what isn't to love?

Though, in this version, they change "f**king" to "missing".

Another live version.

You can purchase the album on iTunes.

Monday, March 15, 2010

The V-Cap

In about two weeks, V will return. While some people see this as the conservative response to Battlestar Galatica's liberalism, I tend to think of it as a place on ABC for Scott Wolf to battle with Matthew Fox over the demons left over from Party of Five.

Anyway, the recap, which was done in the same manner of the recaps for BSG (same woman's voice too) is snarky, fun and answers all the questions you have if you didn't see the four episodes from last fall.

They can be seen on Hulu.

Oh, Prince Andrew

"Prince Andrew" from New Yorkers for Growth on Vimeo.

Via Daily Politics

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Dirtiest Headline Ever

Via Huffington Post

In Honor of St. Patrick's Day

In Honor of Pi Day

I remember reading this article when I was in high school.

It is about the Chudnovsky brothers who invented a supercomputer in order to calculate Pi.

This is interesting because it comes from a time when the New Yorker used to do eighteen page profiles on interesting people who weren't necessarily in the limelight and because it is about something that shows a single minded devotion to a subject matter that is unrepentently geeky. They (the brothers) even went so far as writing their own algorithm in order to calculate Pi.

How awesome is that?

Aftermath of the Parade

Why did this little tree have to die?

This little Maple that was living on South Pearl provided a bit of green longer. One must wonder about the age of the person who killed it as well as their intoxication level.

Albany, please...crack down on the underaged drinking at events. Larkfest, Tulipfest, St. Patrick's Day are all ruined by drunken amateurs that make the events unenjoyable for someone like me (who has no problems with drinking or parties) and drives a lot of people away.