Friday, August 21, 2009

A Conversation

Chris: There is nothing worse than spoiled milk.
Me: Well, there's the Holocaust...
Chris: Yeah, but I have never experienced that.

Questionable Content

Questionable Content Survey

For those of you who read QC, please take the survey, which ends today.

What does this mean for me?

Starbucks to Lower Prices on Some Drinks, Raise the on Others

Ok, for years, almost every day, I have been spending $2.11 on my Venti Bold (Always Venti, Always Bold.   NEVER EVER the Pike Place Blend.

Am I going to pay more or less for my coffee?

This is a serious matter, people!!

(via WTEN)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

TEA Goes to the Berkshires

TEA and I went to the Berkshires for a couple of days to visit my father.

And of course I took pictures.

1) TEA wanted wings.  TEA ordered wings.  TEA housed the wings like a champ.
2) We then had a fairly awesome thunderstorm and the power was out for about three hours.  TEA fell asleep to candlelight and to Jurassic Park on a laptop.
3) The next day, the weather had cleared and my father, TEA and I went kayaking.
4) After the kayaking, we built up a manly appetite.  TEA wanted a salmon filet sandwich with pickles and a horseradish mayo on freshly baked bread (which was grilled). 
5) He also housed most of this rack of KC style ribs.
6) So that TEA is ready to fight the zombie menace, TEA and I made a bow and arrow.  It is fairly effective and TEA did most of the work himself.  I will teach him to defend himself against all comers.
7) And then last night, I broke my toe, by...well...wandering around in the dark.
8) After my dad and TEA went kayaking, we all went to the Berkshire Museum for their Frog Exhibit.  I have to say, it was very cool.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Hate Crime Conviction in Upstate NY

Syracuse man (who was convicted last month) was sentenced to 25 years in prison for the shooting death of a transgendered woman.

While this is tragic (on a number of levels), it does make me feel a little better regarding how the alternative sexualities are now being treated by the courts...

What is the purpose of government?

French plan to charge tourists rescued from hot spots


How to Survive the Zombie Menance

Tip of the hat to Zarq...

Having watched Shaun of the Dead and Snyder's version of Dawn of the Dead last night, this was great to see in the morning.

So, you are very smart, need to publish something, and a little cheeky...what do you do?

Well, you use mathematical models to determine how humanity would survive the zombie menace.

Funnily enough, if the menace gets out of hand quickly, we (humanity) are kind of fraked. 

"Hit them hard and fast" is the solution...

Now, I have watched quite a few zombie films, and read quite a few zombie novels, however, the only thing that is consistent throughout these works is that they are never hit hard and fast...there is always a little bit of dithering by the powers that be that lead to needless deaths.

Therefore, if there is a zombie outbreak, we are kind of...well...dead.

It would be the Apocalypse.

(BBC, Wired, and The Awl)

Abstract (PDF): When Zombies Attack!
Publisher's Site: Nova Pubulishers

Monday, August 17, 2009

Raising a Young Hipster

My son just called to ask me if I will do him a favor.

"What do you need, buddy?"

"Daddy, I need you to be my coach."

*concerned as I don't go in for team sports*

"Ummm...what type of team, buddy?"

"Dodgeball, Daddy!!!"

So, he is soon to be seven, which means that in a couple of years, I am going to be helping him to move into a loft in Brooklyn.

This Will Be...Awesome...Or Terrifying

David Mamet to write screen play for Disney's Anne Frank Movie

There are so many jokes many jokes...

Just think of all the great lines from Glengarry Glen Ross that could be used to make this touching and hilarious at the same time.

The Other Albany

From the HuffPo - The Other Albany

A) Not to be to small minded and parochial but are any of the the Albany's in the US state capitols?  I really don't want to hear/read stuff from people in Oregon (fraking Wrong Coasters) complaining...we have been here for four hundred years...we have prior art.

B) If you (the author) are(is) referring to the fact that Albany has a really large percentage of people who are not white and well off, well...yeah...but you are not paying attention.

C) As mentioned by one of the people in the comments (and I would have pointed it out anyway), Betty Barnette probably takes a little bit of offense as not being listed as a person of color in political power in Albany...but you could just ask her.

D) If you know nothing about how politics in Albany works, you really should not write an article about how Albany works, especially when you are attempting to write for a blog that is trying to fix itself into the greater structure of the MSM.

(Via AlbanyObserver)


For everytime I groused about the weather in the early summer being
not summer like, I apologize.

That being said, Wolff's is wonderful on a hot Albany day.

I am coping.

This is...amazingly bad.

Last week, FAU and I were discussing which version of "Such Great Heights" we prefer.

Earlier today, I was complaining that Army by Ben Folds Five was stuck in my head and a friend from college and the bassist for a wonderful band (The Wrecking Coast on MySpace) suggested this...

Yes, part of my soul died while listening to this.


I just listened to a woman lose her sh*t on WAMC when it came to the health care debate.  The Roundtable poll question for today is:

The "Public Option" part of President Obama's Health Care Reform proposal could be off the table. What do (you) make of this possible concession?

I am sorry, and myabe I will sound cruel by saying this, but I don't want to start my Monday morning listening to a woman crying about losing her home because she and her husband made bad choices.

Dr. Chartock went on to say that the above woman's call said everything.


You want someone who is hysterical to be making the point for you?

Now I am irked.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Love for Gawker

Cartoon Characters Who Need to Come Out of the Closet

Hopefully they will follow this with News Anchors on CNN who need to come out as well as Major League Third Basemen who Play in Queens who need to come out.

Just What I Need

The NPR Application for the iPhone/Touch.

I will test it out and let you know...however, I really think that I don't need another news application.