Friday, July 8, 2016

Tangled Up In Blue


I was in a bar. Surprised?

Anyway, while I was at this bar, talking with the bartender, the manager of the bar walked out and informed the aforementioned bartender that supplies were in the back room, including WindEx.

I may have made a joke that the bartender should not confuse the WindEx with Blue Curaçao.

The bartender then joked that she only used it, meaning Curaçao, to make blue Shirley Temples for boys.

I looked at her aghast. Her manager looked at her aghast.

She then said that "it is not like there is alcohol in it" as she went looking for the bottle.

After examining the label,she exclaimed, "but I never went to bartending school", prompting her boss to point to me and yell, "neither did he!"

So, those of you who have children. Order blue Shirley Temples.

Do it.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

I Like Birds of Prey

There is just something beautiful about them. They are the paradigm of form and function coming together to provide perfection.

Location:North Lake Avenue, Troy, NY