Wednesday, October 6, 2010

And I am enjoying Troy

The co-op just opened. There is a good indie bookstore downtown and Spill'N the Beans is a great coffee shop.

Not a bad way to spend a crappy morning.

Looking forward to reading the new Franzen and notice, no Oprah!


While I was waiting for the bus this morning, listening to the Dinner Party Download, and smoking a cigarette and someone (a young dude) in a Nissan SUV pulled up and asked for a cigarette because he didn't have his ID and the wouldn't sell it to him.

Of course I gave him one (as he said he was twenty seven and he looked it) and as he drove away, I saw the "McCain/Palin" sticker.

Now, why is this ironic?

Think about it for a second...

The lack of identification caused consternation for this young man while prohibiting activity and then he was forced to ask for a giveaway from someone who was better positioned then he is.

Chuckle to yourself quietly.