Saturday, December 25, 2010

This is why I buy myself things...

As one gets older, gift giving holidays take on less importance because you find yourself buying the things you want when you want them as well as taking more pleasure out of giving to those that you care about, like TEA who loved his iPod Touch, and seeing the expression of joy when they get something that they weren't expecting.

My brother and sister do not think of it this way though.

Because I am difficult to buy for (I am picky and I have what I want) they choose gift giving holidays as an excuse to get me things that are...well...useful (sometimes) but often ridiculous.

So, let me give you an idea of what I received from my loving siblings:

From my dear brother, I received Sharper Images' ManGroomer which is an electric backhair shaver. It extends to reach the hard to reach places. While I will use it, opening it up was...odd. (Okay, I will admit that I am excited to try it.)

From my sister, I received two items of...interest.

The first is pictured above. Yep, I now own "The Situation"'s book, Here's the Situation, and yes, I will probably read it. Though I am curious about what I need to know about avoiding grenades.

The final item of odd, almost WTF gifts ends up being something that I will wear with pride, sweet creme filled pride.

This t-shirt which fits my colour palatte well and expresses my love for good food.

Yes, those of you who come out to the Polar Plunge will see it.

And you know, I love them all, and I love my brother and sister for thinking of me.

In other news, I was like a five year old and awoke at 2:30 this morning. That I couldn't fall back asleep was my own fault. So...I watched the Star Trek:TNG marathon on ScFy and then the Buffy marathon on Chiller until it was time to start my day. Awesome, no? Embracing my essential dorkiness on Christmas morning is proof of my commitment to averageness.

Friday, December 24, 2010

I bring you great comforts of tidings and joy.

"That's what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown"

I don't go for the overtly Christian things, but...this is what tomorrow is about.

Twas the Night Before Christmas

I am recording this mostly for TEA, but...I felt the need to share.

Not that anyone will care but...

Merry Christmas to those who celebrate and Happy Saturday to those who don't.

Oh, I am MAD!

Miss Albany Diner has it!

Yay Scrapple!

Good morning, world!

So a combination of beer and some vicious and aggressive intestinal fauna left me down for the count and barely able to move from bed yesterday.


While I was going to spend today finish my wrapping, I have to spend it shopping.

But first, everything that I ate yesterday left me in new and interesting ways.

At least I feel comfortable taking the bus and not living in fear of an embarrassing incident.

I wish everyone a peaceful weekend and hopefully your time will be spent with family or with movies and Chinese food.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

'Tis the Season

Happy Holidays!

May your beverage of choice be tasty, may your friendships be warm, & may your life be good.

There has to be a word for this...

Ever know that you have to be someplace early and then you wake up two hours before you have to wake?

Do you then stay up and putz around; reading, responding to e-mails, catching up on television?

Do you find yourself wanting to sleep for fifteen minutes, knowing that you still have time?

Do you then ignore the alarms you have set and end up running 45 minutes late?

Will someone create a neologism to reflect what happens to me at least once a month?

(Yes, I know I should just stop doing it, but...I am able to get to wear I need to go and made everything on time this of these days though.)

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Into the blue...

I am a sucker for a woman with a piano.

(It doesn't hurt when they are attractive as well as talented.)

With that being said, here is Sarah Jackson-Holman's Into the Blue.

My Little Music Geek Heart Went Aflutter!

This is so frakin' cute. I had never thought that someone would someone would make a "blue canary in the outlet by the light switch who watches over me".

I wish I had seen this a couple of days early, so that I could have purchased one for TEA.

You can buy it here.

If you have no clue what I am talking about, please go here and then watch this.

One can only hope

Historical Log 28:

The Phoenix Destroys Albany, NY

Image via Marvel

Made aware of this via Ryan and AoA.

One can only hope about the destruction that is wrought. I am looking forward to the Alfred E. Smith Building used as a weapon to crush the LoB.

In the event of mutant activity, where would you seek shelter in Albany?

Monday, December 20, 2010

Happy Holidays Everyone

Merry Christmas to those who celebrate.

My mom's tree.

Nobody does it like Sandra Lee

First there was the Kwanzaa Cake.

And we have the creation of the cake from the creator (who was not Sandra Lee) from the Huffington Post (H/T Lemon) and we also have the time last year where she stalked Tony Bourdain as if she were a lion and he a musk ox. (You can see video of Tony talking about this here.)

And of all the scary things that she does, not that she is poised to be the First Girlfriend of New York State, she becomes all the more terrifying.

See this piece from today's USA Today where she describes her home and her ability to be "creative" outside of the office. (Link via Capitol Tonight)

If you remember, there was a bit of a flap about her lasagna recipe and all white tree? Is this a subtle dig at Governor Patterson?

No, of course it isn't. Nothing Ms. Lee does is subtle.

I can't wait to see what the Inaugural menu looks like.

DADT Hypocrites

Or...Senators who were for DADT before they were against it.

John Kerry (D-MA)

Herb Kohl (D-WI)
Daniel Akaka (D-HI)

Kent Conrad (D-ND)

Christ Dodd (D-CT)

Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) 

Tom Harkin (D-IA)
Lisa Murkowski (R-AK)

Daniel Inouye (D-HI)
Jay Rockefeller (D-WV)

Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ)

Carl Levin (D-MI)

Patty Murray (D-WA)

Mark Pryor (D-AR)

Harry Reid (D-NV)
Barbara Mikulski (D-MD)

Patrick Leahy (D-VT)
Joe Lieberman (IND-CT)

In other news, US Servicemembers still can't tell.

One Question, One Answer, Eighty Minutes

That is the plot, in short of the film Exam, a psychological thriller from the UK abut eight candidates for a job with a company.

Why am I being vague about the question, answer, job and company?

Well, that's the point. You know little more, and often less, than the characters (who have no names just character details given to them by fellow candidate "White")who are sitting for this exam.

The film is also done in real time, so you can feel the dread as the clock ticks down and the candidates get more and more desperate.

To be honest, I had never heard of this film until yesterday, when I saw it mentioned in a list on and I was intrigued. Luckily, the local shopping super store had it and I was able to check it out.

Now, I normally link to the Wikipedia entry for most films, but in this case it is far too spoiler-riffic.

Anyway, as the holidays are upon us, and that often means interesting familial interactions, may I suggest this film as a ninety minute break from that cousin who has a really interesting business opportunity? It is worth it.