Monday, December 20, 2010

One Question, One Answer, Eighty Minutes

That is the plot, in short of the film Exam, a psychological thriller from the UK abut eight candidates for a job with a company.

Why am I being vague about the question, answer, job and company?

Well, that's the point. You know little more, and often less, than the characters (who have no names just character details given to them by fellow candidate "White")who are sitting for this exam.

The film is also done in real time, so you can feel the dread as the clock ticks down and the candidates get more and more desperate.

To be honest, I had never heard of this film until yesterday, when I saw it mentioned in a list on and I was intrigued. Luckily, the local shopping super store had it and I was able to check it out.

Now, I normally link to the Wikipedia entry for most films, but in this case it is far too spoiler-riffic.

Anyway, as the holidays are upon us, and that often means interesting familial interactions, may I suggest this film as a ninety minute break from that cousin who has a really interesting business opportunity? It is worth it.

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