Friday, November 5, 2010

#Movember Update

I'm growing a moustache for Movember to change the face of men's health. Please give so it may grow:

There will be another post today about drawings for sponsors. Think WAMC during "Beg-athon" mode.


Sandor told me last week that it would take about 6 weeks to stop doing the things that I would normally do because Curly was there.

This morning, as I was in the bathroom shaving, I heard a sound that I associated with Curly whining in the morning.

I stopped what I was doing and with a little irritation in my voice, I told Curly that it would only be a couple more minutes.

Then I realized what I did.

What a perfect start to this day.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Sulu for the win!

This is by far my favorite "It Gets Better Message".

And the way that Takei says "Douchebag" is spectacular.

(Hat Tip to Misfitina)

The First #Movember Challenge

Hi All!

I have decided to run the Turkey Trot this year and as a way to create some drama for this, I am offering a challenge.

If I reach $1000 in Movember donations, I will run the Turkey Trot while wearing a turkey costume. Yes, people, a 5K while dressed as a frakin' turkey.

That's it folks, $1000 and I run around dressed as a turkey. Picture it in your head for a moment. While you are with your families, enjoying the smells of Thanksgiving cooking, and enjoying the time, I will be running around downtown Troy dressed as a turkey. Can you picture it?

If you want to see it happen, please donate here!

Here is the Facebook Event!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Folks, the Dinosaur is opening in Troy on November 10th! My hope is to get a bunch of people there to enjoy the food, some beers, and each other.

To this end, I put a Facebook event up. (You can find it here.) I would love to see a whole bunch of people there. Bring a friend and invite others!

For more information, go to the Dinosaur's Site.

#Movember Update - The Style has been chosen

As you can see, I have decided upon a style. While I had threatened the Chester A. Arthur look, I went in a different direction.

Yeah, I am going to rock the Logan. Part of it is because that Logan is a bad ass, and the rest of it has to do with appealing to my geek brethren in a pandering appeal for donations.

Take the time and watch the video to see how awfully silly I look.

If you like geekery, and you know someone who has testicles or a prostate, you should donate to Movember.

(NB: I feel entirely silly, but if I can raise a little bit of money, then all the better.)

One last thing about the election

Thank you, to everyone on both sides of the aisle, for caring.

A special thanks to my friends and family who listened to my hyper chattering throughout the day.

It really is my Christmas, and I know that I was...annoying, but you listened, talked, and even my sister heard me sing.(Yes, it was a variation on "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year".)

I know that it is odd, but the process makes me happy and any election that ends without tanks rolling down the street shows that some of what is said about American Exceptional-ism has to be true.

Decision 2012 starts today!


I am in a surprisingly good mood today, given the morning that I woke up to, and while I have some things to do today, like getting my brother's birthday card, and finishing loading the dishwasher, I am still entranced by the monster that is cable news.

So, while I am watching the new Speaker of the House, I figured I would provide you with one of my favorite songs.

(And for those on both sides, think about what Jon Stewart said to Terry Gross a couple of weeks ago, "We survived a Civil War. This isn't that bad."

After the party

Have you ever gone to a wedding for people that you know that are not going to make it, even though you really want them to?

You go to the wedding, which is okay, and then you head to the reception and it is a great party. It is fun, and you drink a little, and by the end of the night, even knowing that this is bad, you leave and go to bed with a little bit of hope and cheery feelings.

Then the morning comes...

You start looking at the pictures, and reviewing the memories, and, "Oh My God! No! Why did I let this happen?"

This is how I am feeling about last night in the cold light of morning. (And it is a cold light this morning.) There are so many things that could have been done differently, and while I was giddy watching some of the losses last night, and wonderfully happy that we get to see how the Tea Party will govern, but now it hit me that we are going to see how members of the Tea Party govern.

Chris Matthews (who was reconsidering his choice not to run for Senate in Pennsylvania last night) wondered what happens if the Federal Debt Limit is not raised, and I have to wonder what people who ran on "Hell No" will do when forced to keep this country from defaulting on her obligations.

So, deep breath here.

We are going to be fine as an experiment, but the next two years are going to be interesting (in the Chinese sense).

Happy Birthday, Bro

So, today my little brother turns twenty one (or twenty five) for some multiple of consecutive years.

While we disagree on quite a few things, including almost everything related to pop culture, we are family and he is an incredible man.

Thanks, little brother, for being a great brother and an incredible friend.


I just spent some time watching the election returns for Decision 2010 (well, the last 8 hours) and spent the thirty minutes reading QC.

It wasn't that I gave up on QC, it was just that I had other things to think about.

I missed it.

Why didn't anyone tell me about the fight between Marten, Dora, and Faye?

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Oh, I wish I had though of this

Via Capital Tonight

And Meet Your New Speaker of the House

I am looking forward to the next two years. Good luck dealing with people who were elected to say "NO"

#Movember All I Ever Wanted!

It’s is the happiest day of the year (see the previous post) and it is Movember!

Now there have been some great examples of facial hair in American Political history.

I think the best may be Chester A. Arthur (Union ’48).

Awesome isn’t it?

I think this may be the look that I am going for. (with a little bit of a soul patch)

Does anyone have any ideas for which way I should go?

If you care to donate, please go here.

It’s the most wonderful time of year!

Yes, folks, it is Election Day!

Yeah, yeah…go vote…your vote matters, et cetera. There, I did it. I encouraged you to vote. Whatever.

Here is what is great though, we get to see what “our fellow Americans” believe this year and we get to see it is an awesomely detailed manner. Recreational pot in California to Sharia Law in Oklahoma, we get to see all things.
Plus, we get to see people who are “taking our country back” (from whom?) and fighting governments “tax & spend” behavior (um, isn’t that what governments do?) as well as people who are “mad as hell” (Oh, Carl, we all are mad as hell at some things, however that is not a platform, that is a guy standing on a soap box on a street corner ranting about the dangers of the other.) and this huge circus of ideas makes me really happy because it means the hopes and dreams of people who have put their hearts, minds, and wallets behind the issues that they are supporting are going to be disappointed. (On both sides of the aisle…)


Because government is hard. Because running a small business is not like running a huge economy that touches millions of people on a daily basis. Because of all the vitriol that is spewed, elected officials have more in common, regardless of party, than what separates them. (When it comes down to it, Mitch and Harry are friends and need each other .) Because of all the promises made to the fringes (Gay Marriage for All, Gay Marriages for None), few are going to be fulfilled as that is not how the system works, and that’s what I love.

The sausage being made isn’t pretty, and it isn’t supposed to be, but it is what I love, and starting tomorrow, there will be new people making sausage and some of them will lose fingers, but the sausage will keep coming.

Oh, for the record, I am not a witch.

Monday, November 1, 2010

If You Aren't Rich You Are F******

This post makes me sad because it is true.

Via Deadspin

As seen in the "wild"

Before today, I had only seen this on Family Guy (YouTube) but I saw one in real life.

It is the Wacky Waving Inflatable Arms guy!

Now, what about this would induce me to buy gas here and would you trust someone to fix your vehicle if they thought this investment was good for their business?

One final #Movember Update for the Day

Remember that a lot of men are doing this (and some women as well, and they are AWESOME)...

Men like FAU.

You can donate to FAU's cause here.

Another #Movember Update

Would someone being willing to suggest a bar where we could put a fundraiser for Movember and would they be willing to do beer specials and/or donations on a per beer basis...or both?

Please share this information with your friends, families, co-workers or whomever.

And if you would like to make a donation, please go here.

Keeping One's Balls in the Air (#Movember Update)

The air is crisp and the leaves have turned. The children are recovering from their glucose induced states.

Yes, folks, it is Movember!

It is the month where the men you love, like, tolerate, prevent putting a restraining order on, and care about their sexual health, grow facial hair (particularly a variation of the classic mustache) and use this stupidity to raise money for Prostate and Testicular cancer research.

Statistically, all of you know someone who has suffered from one of these afflictions, and you need to think about this for a quick second if you claim that you don't know anyone, and really, and while a cure may be far away, improvements in treatment will lead to lower incident rates of impotency and infertility.

So, please donate here and help a brother out.

(Why is there no picture today? Two reasons: JMFJT called me out on starting early and made a donation so that I would shave it off and while working for Habitat for Humanity on Friday, I had an incident where I ended up putting a small gash on my chin and shaving would be...painful and sticky right now. Hopefully, tomorrow I will be shaven and sculpted and I will look awesome...or like someone on Dateline.)