Tuesday, November 2, 2010

It’s the most wonderful time of year!

Yes, folks, it is Election Day!

Yeah, yeah…go vote…your vote matters, et cetera. There, I did it. I encouraged you to vote. Whatever.

Here is what is great though, we get to see what “our fellow Americans” believe this year and we get to see it is an awesomely detailed manner. Recreational pot in California to Sharia Law in Oklahoma, we get to see all things.
Plus, we get to see people who are “taking our country back” (from whom?) and fighting governments “tax & spend” behavior (um, isn’t that what governments do?) as well as people who are “mad as hell” (Oh, Carl, we all are mad as hell at some things, however that is not a platform, that is a guy standing on a soap box on a street corner ranting about the dangers of the other.) and this huge circus of ideas makes me really happy because it means the hopes and dreams of people who have put their hearts, minds, and wallets behind the issues that they are supporting are going to be disappointed. (On both sides of the aisle…)


Because government is hard. Because running a small business is not like running a huge economy that touches millions of people on a daily basis. Because of all the vitriol that is spewed, elected officials have more in common, regardless of party, than what separates them. (When it comes down to it, Mitch and Harry are friends and need each other .) Because of all the promises made to the fringes (Gay Marriage for All, Gay Marriages for None), few are going to be fulfilled as that is not how the system works, and that’s what I love.

The sausage being made isn’t pretty, and it isn’t supposed to be, but it is what I love, and starting tomorrow, there will be new people making sausage and some of them will lose fingers, but the sausage will keep coming.

Oh, for the record, I am not a witch.

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