Friday, June 17, 2011

Why not?

Why shouldn't I drop the heavy slate flooring?

Is this a warning that they may chip and shatter or is it a warning that your toes are endangered?

It's okay if you want to be on the wrong side of history

Feel free to vote against same sex marriage, Senators. I know you will and I just wanted to give you my blessing.

I hear your arguments and I really understand them.

They are comparable to these gems, said by people just like you...

"Oh, since they are slaves, they shall only count as 3/5 of a person"

"Women do not have the mental wherewithal to understand something as complex as an election."

No, I respect you for sticking to your guns, and gaining your victories. Enjoy them why you can because they are not going to last.

Fathers and Sons

Sunday is Father's Day, as you should know...

I am lucky. I have had wonderful male role models in my life. Both of my grandfathers were good men, albeit in different ways. They both provided me with life lessons and examples of how to be a man. I wish that I could follow their examples better.

I am lucky. My father was (and continues to be) a major influence on my life. He is always there to talk with and share with and keep me from getting to swelled a head.

I am lucky. I have a son. He is, not to be overly cliched, the light of my life. He is smart, sweet, snarky, and he thinks about things and asks difficult questions.

Happy Father's Day to all the fathers, sons, daughters, and grandfathers out there.

I will continue to remember how lucky I am.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

How tasty was this?

Dan Harmon, showrunner of Community, says that making a television show is making pizza.

Sometimes it isn't perfect but it is always good.

DeFazio's deserves an Emmy for this pizza.

Speaking of pizza, my father, who has been in Florida for less than a year, has embraced Little Cesar's Pizza as being "good". This cannot be the man who raised me. Maybe he is getting to much sun?

So, if anyone has suggestions for good pizza in the Naples area, please let me know so I can pass it on.

Search Terms That Make Me Chuckle

Every once in a while, I like taking a look at the search terms that brought people here to AFM.

These are some of my favorite from the last month:

  • "What does it mean to smother your kids?"
  • "celebrating the end of love"
  • "define shocking but not surprising"
  • "gavin newsome sucks"
  • "I want jim cramer to protect me"
  • "sexy ninja girl"
I love the randomness of these.

For the person who used the first phrase, please...don't.  

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

What is the first thing you do in the morning?

Sara* asked an interesting question this morning:

What is the first thing you do in the morning?

Off the cuff, I answered "Put my glasses on", which is generally true. it always true?

I need my glasses most of the time, and my face feels naked without them. (Off topic: Am I the only person who keeps three pairs of glasses on his nightstand and just grabs the pair nearest to him? The benefits of not having the prescription change in over eighteen years.)

Was it true this morning? I think the first thing I did when I woke up was put my glasses on and started my morning necessities. (I recently re-read Portis' "True Grit" and I love the use of the word "necessary" to describe the...well...necessary.) But did I check my iPhone for e-mail first? I know I checked it when I woke up at 5:30, but then I went back to sleep? For someone who sleeps in fits and starts (like me) what counts as the first thing you do in the morning?

Then it hit me.

The first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is feel a little surprised that I made it through the night, and realize that the dreams I had the night before were nothing but dreams.

*Sara is Social Momentum and she is brilliant if you are looking for new media help.


KTRK reporter Ted Oberg was interviewing Perry on Monday about the governor's plan for school finance when Perry politely told the reporter he would have to wait until Tuesday for details about the plan.

"In saying goodbye, I told the governor, 'Try as I may, governor, I guess I can't win this one,'" Oberg said.

About 10 seconds after Oberg and Perry said goodbye, the camera crew was getting ready for the next interview with another TV station when Perry, unaware that the camera was still rolling and his microphone still on, said, "Try as I may, governor, I'm not going to wait that long. Adios Mofo."

Perry Caught Using Vulgar Language On Tape

What in the world ARE they talking about?


I am a firm believer that most Americans share about 95% of our political DNA. While we may disagree on some of the smaller issues, we all want a strong nation, where everyone is housed, fed, and free to pursue happiness.

The little issues are more problematic.

Which is what bothers me abut the debates because they seem to be (seem to be? They are.) pandering to the differences between us.

New Rules - Do Not Do This.

  • If you are using Fergie, Will.I.Am, or any of the other BEPs to promote your product, you are instantly alienating a large segment of the the American populace.  Do not do this.
  • Throwing a party on what is otherwise a family holiday is douchey.  Completely.  Do not do this.
  • If you have not used the technology, do not complain about it.  It is ignorant.  Do not do this.
  • If the piece of media has been out for six months to a year and you still have not "caught up" on it yet, no one is under any obligation to keep "spoilers" from you.  When you complain about it, you look like an ass.  Do not do this.
  • Someone making different lifestyle choices than you is not "weird", they are making a choice.  Complaining about it makes you look silly (at best). Do not do this.
  • Certain things are acceptable when you are eighteen.  Others when you are twenty five.  After that, they are childish.  Do not do this (them).
  • Being a single issue voter.  It is bad for the republic.  Do not do this.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Well Said, FAU

"Same Sex Marriage will do no harm to my marriage or yours. It will not weaken communities, in fact it will strengthen them. It will be a signal to all gay Americans that New York is a state where they are welcome to put down roots, start a business and raise a family."

An open letter to New York State Senator Stephen M. Saland - Tao of FAU:

A Great (and Long) Interview

"So I set a lot of store in being brainy. And satire was particularly appealing, because, first, it was funny, and I always liked to be funny, and, second, you didn’t have to take ­responsibility for generating your own faith, your own core beliefs. You could simply expose the mendacity and falseness of others."

Paris Review - The Art of Fiction No. 207, Jonathan Franzen:

Offending me as a lit-geek and a sci-fi geek

Glen Weldon has pulled off something special. He has irked me as both a lit-fiction guy as well as a fan of speculative fiction.

Glen, I am really glad that you feel comfortable speaking for both groups of fandom authoritatively.

And your use of the term "hard sci-fi" to define China Mieville shows that you fail to understand both Mieville and hard science fiction...but that is okay. I mean, you are just writing a "summer reading list for X group" list for NPR. It is not like you are going to be influencing anyone.

Though, I am really happy that you included Albert Brooks' 2030 on list. Well done.

Mind-Bending Sci-Fi Books For A Fantastical Summer : NPR:

"Publishers like to throw around the term 'speculative fiction,' but you won't see too many fans of the genres it comprises — fantasy and science-fiction — bandying it about. For one thing, it's redundant; all fiction speculates, or it isn't fiction. More importantly, true fans of science fiction or fantasy don't feel a particular need to justify that love, much less dress it up in more 'respectable' language. It's a mug's game, after all: Those readers who reflexively turn up their noses at genre fiction will continue to do so, no matter what name it goes by. (That they will do so while embracing 'literary fiction' — a genre replete with tropes and strictures of its own — is an irony lost on them.)"

Bloomsday is June 16th

"Think you're escaping and run into yourself. Longest way round is the shortest way home."
— James Joyce

I love Bloomsday for number of reasons. They all revolve around it being fun, quirky, literate, and often involving beer and groups of friends and "friends".

Most of the social activities I like to engage in are quirky (or weird according to some folks) and literate, with great conversation with friends (or "friends"), and copious amounts of good beer...or bad/cheap beer.* Another note about my friends and interesting and quirky things: Do you know how happy it makes when I realize that I am the intellectual runt of the litter of my friends? It is awesome. These amazing people, who on occasion will request my presence at some event, are always challenging me, edifying me, and keeping me in my place. They are awesome and they are better in large groups

Let me make a suggestion for your Thursday: Spend time with your friends, have a beer, have interesting conversations and enjoy yourself. Maybe even talk about Ulysses.

Oh, and while you are at it, think about what you are going to be doing on Thursday, July 7th. What are you going to be doing? You are going to be at the Great Beer Walk(sign up on Facebook).

*See my (some would say inexplicable) love of ice cold PBR.

Barry on Weiner

(That title is vaguely dirty...)

"When you get to the point where, because of various personal distractions, you can’t serve as effectively as you need to at the time when people are worrying about jobs and their mortgages and paying the bills, then you should probably step back,” Mr. Obama said.

Obama Suggests That Weiner Step Down

More from the GOP Debate

Five of the seven Republican presidential candidates at Monday night’s GOP debate said they want a constitutional amendment banning same-​sex marriage. Tim Pawlenty, Mitt Romney, Michele Bachmann, Newt Gingrich, and Rick Santorum all stated if they were elected president, they would support anti-​gay discrimination written directly into the constitution.

GOP Debate: Constitutional Ban On Same-Sex Marriage Wins Big

The best news ever

Most Unsurprising Bombshell: Michele Bachmann announcing during a presidential debate that she’s running for president.

What You Missed in the Primary Season’s Second Republican Debate

Happy Flag Day, everyone!

Monday, June 13, 2011

I would see this film

I love the book, and have given it to a number of different people, and this film looks like it would be fun and funny.

Robert Redford and Nick Nolte Gear Up for Bill Bryson’s A Walk in the Woods « Word and Film : The Intersection of Books, Movies, and Television:

"Redford and Nick Nolte are poised play the lead roles in an adaptation of Bill Bryson’s A Walk in the Woods.

Redford would play Bryson and Nolte would costar as his college buddy, Stephen Katz, who accompanies the expat author on an epic hike along the Appalachian Trail."

This is made of awe-win-some!

The Maddow Blog - Cellos surprisingly well suited to Guns n Roses

In other news, I have been hearing GnR everywhere. It makes me giggle.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

The evils of earworms

I often get the worst songs stuck in my heads. Earlier today, thanks to FAU, I had the Jimmy Fallon/The Boss version of "Whip My Hair" coming out at random times. (Bastard)

FAU has a theory that Beast of Burden will remove the earworm and will not get stuck itself.

I disagree, as the song has become stuck in my head & it does not work for me.

This song does:

It helps that I do love me some Radiohead.

So, I have replaced one earworm with another, but...I can live with this one.

Once he resigns...

All of this nonsense will go away...but...

Is anyone surprised by this?

Uh-oh: New photos show embattled Rep. Anthony Weiner posing in House of Representatives gym:

"Hours after Anthony Weiner checked himself into rehab for treatment for his sexting and tweeting misbehavior, published more embarrassing photos of the congressman – including a self-portrait in the House of Representatives gym.

The possibly career-killing photo series of the congressman show him repeatedly grabbing his crotch – first in his towel, then in his underwear and then in the buff."

Hiking Mount Greylock

FAU and I climbed Mount Greylock this morning. It was great. Here are some pictures

FAU checking the map
The view from the visitors center. It was damp and gray.
FAU getting ready for the hike.
By the falls.
FAU being "wacky".

FAU before we attempt the last mile.
Wow. I look...fat.
A pond on the trail.
FAU being contemplative.
Welcome to the summit!
The Mount Greylock Marker
I can't see anything! (Yes, it was foggy as all get out.)
Another waterfall that we saw on the walk down.
See? I can be wacky too. Back at the Visitor's Center.