Wednesday, June 15, 2011

New Rules - Do Not Do This.

  • If you are using Fergie, Will.I.Am, or any of the other BEPs to promote your product, you are instantly alienating a large segment of the the American populace.  Do not do this.
  • Throwing a party on what is otherwise a family holiday is douchey.  Completely.  Do not do this.
  • If you have not used the technology, do not complain about it.  It is ignorant.  Do not do this.
  • If the piece of media has been out for six months to a year and you still have not "caught up" on it yet, no one is under any obligation to keep "spoilers" from you.  When you complain about it, you look like an ass.  Do not do this.
  • Someone making different lifestyle choices than you is not "weird", they are making a choice.  Complaining about it makes you look silly (at best). Do not do this.
  • Certain things are acceptable when you are eighteen.  Others when you are twenty five.  After that, they are childish.  Do not do this (them).
  • Being a single issue voter.  It is bad for the republic.  Do not do this.

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