Friday, June 17, 2011

Fathers and Sons

Sunday is Father's Day, as you should know...

I am lucky. I have had wonderful male role models in my life. Both of my grandfathers were good men, albeit in different ways. They both provided me with life lessons and examples of how to be a man. I wish that I could follow their examples better.

I am lucky. My father was (and continues to be) a major influence on my life. He is always there to talk with and share with and keep me from getting to swelled a head.

I am lucky. I have a son. He is, not to be overly cliched, the light of my life. He is smart, sweet, snarky, and he thinks about things and asks difficult questions.

Happy Father's Day to all the fathers, sons, daughters, and grandfathers out there.

I will continue to remember how lucky I am.

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