Friday, June 19, 2009

I wonder what part of my profile...

Led Facebook to believe that I would be interested in attending Grad School in Oman,,,

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Sorry for being quiet

However, I was enjoying my last day in the Berkshires.

I will return to a posting schedule tomorrow.


Senator John Ensign, Republican of Nevada, on Tuesday admitted that he had an extramarital affair with a member of his campaign staff.

Source: NY Times

Dude slams President Clinton and Larry Craig for having affairs...but he is still considering a run in 2012...

He needs to go hunting with Dick Cheney...

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

More on the DOMA Brief

Last week, President Obama’s Justice Department filed a legal brief against same sex marriage in which it compared gay unions to incestuous ones and that of an underage girl – in the sense that states have the right to not recognize marriages that are legal in other states or countries.

The timing of the brief, which the president of the leading gay and lesbian rights organization said caused his community “pain,” is awkward, given that next Thursday, June 25, the Democratic National Committee is hitting up the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community for cash in a fundraiser featuring Vice President Biden.

Via Jake Tapper via Twitter

Settle Down Children

Highlighting the surreal quality of the day, Mr. Espada was asked by a reporter during the demonstration to comment on the continuing investigation into his campaign finances.

He responded in a matter-of-fact fashion: “Which one?”

Source: NY Times

I Resemble This Remark

Even a cursory examination of the question suggests the possibility that heavy drinkers—whose tendencies to crippling self-doubt and deep depression cause them to seek the sweet oblivion of intoxication—take less care of their health in an unspoken desire to somehow hasten the inevitable demise that will finally bring them the peace they so desperately crave in the rare moments of sobriety when the sheer anguish of being human, with all its attendant sorrows and disappointments, makes life a crushing burden that is almost impossible to be borne without the aid of some palliative intoxicant. But that may just be a theory based on personal observation; I'm not sure the science is totally there yet.

Via Balk at The Awl

Followup on the Orbitz Commercial

Again, in FAU's sphere

The inclusion of the HRC logo was confirmed by Brian Hoyt, Orbitz's vice president of corporate communications and government affairs.


Things I Am Ashamed Of - A Video Blog Post

Oh the Shame!!!

Shame #1

Shame #2

ARRA Money

MSNBC is running a piece this morning about ARRA funding and where the money is going, at the prompting of Sen. Coburn.

Anyway, I snapped this photo yesterday, and I am wondering if anyone has seen any projects going on where they happen to be.

BSG, Real Scientists, and Our New Robotic Overlords

Each scientist showed off the latest robotic wares. Hod Lipson screened a video of a robot that leaned how to become self-aware of its own legs and creepily, over time, learned how to flail itself into a walk. And then, when they ripped off one of it's legs, it limped. A chill swept throughout the audience, and that was just the beginning. Hod went on to talk about how they no longer program robots to think or do tasks, the robots learn how to think basically for themselves, and are slowly becoming self-aware.

Source (

Tapper on Obama and DOMA

The Obama Justice Department last week wrote a brief in support of the Defense of Marriage Act, which as a candidate then-Sen. Obama called “abhorrent.”

The brief, which compared in legal terms same-sex marriages to incestuous ones, has met with some anger in the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) community, among others.


Monday, June 15, 2009

Since Fire Joe Morgan is Silent

Deadspin is picking up the slack.

Charming, right? And, alas, very likely an utter crock. This would've been June 18, 1967, Joe's third full season in the bigs.

If I ever get big enough to have to use this..

I am going to be forced to eat a bullet.

Via The Awl

I am being completely serious. Sometimes I am unhappy with the way my clothes fit, or disgusted by how I look when I am shaving, but this...I can happily wipe my own ass, and that is a really low standard for health and body image.


I know that I may be entering into FAU's territory, however, I have to mention this Orbitz commercial that I just saw...

There is a new Orbitz hovercraft commercial and what is striking about it, to me, at that one of the gentlemen in the spot is wearing a Human Rights Campaign polo.

Is this a subtle way of Orbitz saying, "Use us for your destination wedding?"