Saturday, October 10, 2009

Oh Fall!

This weather is going to suck...

WTEN is reporting via Twitter that Friday has a chance for snow/sleet.

Thank you, Global Climate Change!

Friday, October 9, 2009

My Housemate

She said that I could not post this to Facebook.


Scarifying, no?


I had a conversation earlier today with a friend and lamented that the Washington Post did not have a good iPhone app.

So, in my boredom, I decided to see if something had changed.

(Which I do realize is an exercise in futility as if Slate doesn't have an app yet, why would the WaPo?)

This is what I found...

Who the hell is Georgia Nicols and why oh why does she come up when searching forbthe WaPo?

And...when is Slate going to get an app? David Plotz, please sir, get on that!


Is lending credence to what Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh say a type of secular manichaeism?

For the Record...

Birthers, Truthers, 9/12ers, Tea Baggers, et al.

President Obama will "accept" the Nobel Peace Prize.

President Obama will not "except" the Nobel Peace Prize.

President Obama is not a "Muslin".

It is spelled "moron" not "moran".

I refuse to take you seriously any longer.

Really Borders?

Do you really think that I want to read "Going Rogue"?

Let alone pre-order it?

Oh, wait, 40% off???

Perfect. May I get one for every ignorant Birther in my family?

Do I get an extra discount if I order the Glenn Beck book too?

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Define Your Terms

In reclaiming the term liberal, should we just call it what it is?

Liberalism is benevolent fascism.

And there ain't nothing wrong with that...

Important Things

A) It is not the "War of Northern Aggression".
B) September 12th was not the best day for the American people.
C) Violence is sometimes the answer. See World War II.
D) Idiot radio hosts are not the voice of the people or a party.
E) Old white men should not be the people who determine reproductive rights.
F) It is the obligation of the strong to protect the weak.

Countdown: A Special Comment

The Health Care Debate is not about health or life, it is about staving off death.

Olbermann spent a long time (his entire show) talking about the Health Care debate and the fear of death that informs all discussions.

It is a personal story, mixed with policy analysis, as well as a wonderful indictment of the insurance industry.

Please watch it at the above link, download the audio or video (for free) from iTunes.

There are embedded "highlights" below.

And please, have the discussion about end of life planning with your loved ones as soon as possible. Regardless of your age, it is a discussion that needs to happen.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Testing Yet Another Blogging Platform for the iPhone

In my search to be a full service blogger from anywhere, I am testing another blogging platform .

I happen to like this one because it is:

A) Free
B) Optimized for Blogger

This is a goodness.

If anyone has any other options, I would appreciate hearing about them.

Flu Season Is Here Already

You don't say!

Thank goodness it is not just me.

I am now endorsing Lou Dobbs' idea of a permanent fixed impenetrable border wall between here and Mexico so that porcine death from the south harms no more.

Like I Didn't Know This

These results were not unexpected.


I am, thankfully, feeling a bit better today, however, I jumped the
gun on the fever breaking.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Oh, Silly Creed Fans

I am not surprised that there are still Creed fans out there. I mean,
there are Sarah Palin fans out there.

(I would love to see the overlap in that Venn Diagram!)

However, 251 people liking that Creed has a new single and album in 15
minutes? Disgusting.

I see your crappy message rock and raise you your copy of DC Talk's
comeback album.

Nineteen Pounds of Cat

Well, he is trying to help me fight off these chills.

I am still a dog person, but this is nice and very warm.


Eli's overrated?


Okay. Thanks.

Actually, I am impressed that NFL players can spell the word.

Save Dollhouse!

The Civil Rights Fight of our Generation

A member of MaD As Hell said on Countdown that Health Care was the civil rights debate of our generation.

I have used that phrase in describing SSM.

So...which is it? Universal Coverage or the ability to marry the person you love?

Sunday, October 4, 2009


The symptoms of 2009 H1N1 flu virus in people include fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue. Some people may have vomiting and diarrhea. People may be infected with the flu, including 2009 H1N1 and have respiratory symptoms without a fever. Severe illnesses and death has occurred as a result of illness associated with this virus.