Saturday, June 19, 2010

All Over Albany's Lunch Week

AOA has the results of their really interesting project.

Lunch Week!

First Course

Second Course

Some of them look great, and some of them look terrifying!

Two Bands You Should Be Listening To

Sleigh Bells

Best Coast

The Great Beer Walk 2010 - Recap

First of all, I want to thank everyone who came out for all the stop, or one of the stops, those who had good beer, and those who had water.

I would especially like to thank the owners and staff of Wolff's Biergarten, The Pearl Street Pub, The Hill Street Cafe, The Lionheart Pub, The Washington Tavern, and Mahar's Public Bar.

Thank you to @SandorS and @MikeWren for Tweeting the event.

Thanks to Steve Barnes and Kristi Gustafson for popularizing the event.

We had more than forty people at one point and it was a nice rambling mess. There were extended stops at The Hill Street and WT's for food, including Sarah's amazing ice cream sundae. While Erik stopped for food at almost every event, complaining at the end that he had eaten six meals.

If I had any complaints about this event, it would be that I wore the wrong shoes. Chuck Taylor's were not meant for that much walking. (Yes, I walked back to Wolff's with a friend after the event.)

I will do another on of these in the fall plus I am thinking about a monthly theme based walk. (More questions and ideas about them all will be forthcoming.)

I would love to hear feedback from people who did the walk, so...please share!

Here are a handful of pictures from the event (If you have any more, please post them to the Facebook event page.):

Best. Newspaper. Story. Ever.

Hell's Angels Attacked With Puppy

A GERMAN student created a major traffic jam in Bavaria after making a rude gesture at a group of Hell's Angels motorcycle gang members, hurling a puppy at them and then escaping on a stolen bulldozer.

Via The Bugle

Friday, June 18, 2010

Sweet Home Alabama

Thank you, Dale Peterson, for not disappearing when you lost your race.

I love these guys.

Reason #14652

Why TEA is smarter than I am.

Because it was warm, we stopped at Dunkin Donuts to get TEA a Watermelon Coolatta.

After a bit, I asked for a sip and TEA handing it to me said, "Artificial Watermelon Flavor".

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Great Beer Walk is about to begin!

The walk is about to begin!

Follow us on Twitter with the hashtag #GBW10.

Or on Foursquare by adding your humble narrator.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

TEA and an Art Installation

TEA (with Sinestro's power ring) near State Street and Lodge Street in Albany.

Lunch (AOA Style)

So, Anya (a wonderful friend and brilliant person) decided that she would have lunch with me today and agreed to let me document it.

We enjoyed a lunch at Creo.

Every meal requires a good brew. In this case, Hennepin.

We started with hummus with garlic chips, which were good if unremarkable.

Anya had the veggie wrap which she called wonderful.

I had the Honey Goat Cheese Pizza which tasted like a little piece of heaven. (If Heaven came with a tasty tasty soft cheese...)

Afterwards, coffee...

Starbucks, natch.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Follow-up on Alvin Greene

From the Only News Source That Matters
The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Alvin Greene Wins South Carolina Primary
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party

Via Mediaite

Tuesday Roundup

A large wooden statue of Jesus offended Zeus and was punished with a lightening strike yesterday in Ohio. has a new feature with Zombie's Attacking

You know those relief wells that BP is drilling, well, there is a good possibility that they may be as dangerous or even more dangerous than the original. BP has also hired Goldman Sachs to do something...because BP is doing fine. Nothing to see here. At least nothing the President will mention when he speaks tonight from the Oval Office.

MTA signs will no longer say what you are thinking about yourself.

Someone tries to defend the vuvuzela.

Speaking of something unrelated to soccer, Italian soccer players are stylish!


Periodically, I have the oddest adventure dream.

Justine Bateman, Michael Shanks, and I are locked in a tropical prisoner of war camp y Nazis. Not people pretending to be Nazis, or Nazi-light groups like REDACTED, but goose-stepping, German speaking, Volkswagen making Nazis.

Yes, I was beaten.

No, I did not hook up with Justine Bateman.

Yes, Michael Shanks yelled at me in a petulant way.

We escaped, as we always do, by stealing two enameled and chromed diver boats from the Vietnam era. (For example, picture the USS Cohoes combined with something that Xzibit would present at the end of Pimp My Ride.) I went off with Justine, while Michael covered our escape and then followed along behind us.

There were suitable explosions and moments of pathos fitting with an action/adventure based dream.

I do not know what it means, but...I am sure I will have it again in a couple of weeks.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Greatest Kitten Video Ever

Nine seconds long, so...give it a chance.

Via D-Listed via Sarah

Letterman and the iPhone

via @Alyssa_Milano

Alabama Does It Again

Alabama is awesome. Seriously, yo! What other place would produce this much awesome when it comes to campaign advertisements?

Via The Awl and Gawker

Monday Rundown

Something that I am going to try to do daily...with little things that amuse me and may insult many of you.

Way to go Kung Fu Karate Kid! You beat the A-Team, and you didn't even have to sweep the leg to do it.

Lost City is shutting down because...*sigh* NYC has changed too much and the battle has been lost. provides as little coverage as possible on the multipage article from the NYT on the upcoming Singularity. (NB: They don't say it is upcoming but I believe it is.)

Foursquare announces that the WSJ is adding a To-Do button that will link with your Foursquare account. If they would open this up to everyone, it would make it a lot easier...I also want to be able to make my own stinkin' badges.

It is lunch week over at All Over Albany and you could win a prize if you take a picture of meal on Wednesday. It is one of the reasons that I am planning on going out to lunch on Wednesday!

Speaking of food, Elizabeth tried the gluten free food at Woodman's and it looks so fookin' good!

The Great Beer Walk 2010 - Update

The Great Beer Walk is this Thursday!

According to the Facebook posting, we have 31 confirmed "yes" walkers and 70 confirmed "maybe" walkers.

Your task for today is to let me know by tomorrow if you have any plus ones or people that are planning on being there for some of the spots.

In addition, please add this number to your cell phone:

That is Yellow Cab in Albany.

The weather looks like it is going to be nice, so please dress accordingly. In addition, please wear appropriate footwear.

I look forward to seeing you all on Thursday.

Everything You Wanted to Know About Alvin Greene...but were afraid to ask.

From Gawker:
Random Unemployed Dude Wins South Carolina Democratic Primary

Mystery SC Candidate's Bizarre Keith Olbermann Interview

Congressman Wants 'Plant' Investigation of Mystery South Carolina Candidate

Mystery SC Candidate Either Mentally Impaired or the Next Sarah Palin

From the NY Times:

Who's Alvin Greene? State Asks After Vote

From The Hill:

Clyburn says S.C. Dem Senate candidate a 'plant'; calls for probe

From The Awl:

South Carolina Stays True to Dirty, Dirty Form

From Politico:

Experts review S.C. Senate Ballots

From FiveThirtyEight:

Something Fishy in South Carolina?

Sunday, June 13, 2010

He Puts the Pubic in Public Servant

I wholeheartedly endorse this idea. It would do wonders for the election cycle of 2012.

Justice Clarence Thomas seems bored. Why doesn't he run for president in 2012?:

"The Republican Party is in disarray, with no clear message -- as shown in last week's primaries -- and with no obvious candidate to challenge President Obama in 2012. Thomas could be the GOP's new standard-bearer. He has enviable name recognition, both as a long-serving justice and as the author of the bestselling 2007 autobiography 'My Grandfather's Son.' And he has already survived the nasty political attacks that marked his 1991 confirmation hearings."