Monday, June 14, 2010

Monday Rundown

Something that I am going to try to do daily...with little things that amuse me and may insult many of you.

Way to go Kung Fu Karate Kid! You beat the A-Team, and you didn't even have to sweep the leg to do it.

Lost City is shutting down because...*sigh* NYC has changed too much and the battle has been lost. provides as little coverage as possible on the multipage article from the NYT on the upcoming Singularity. (NB: They don't say it is upcoming but I believe it is.)

Foursquare announces that the WSJ is adding a To-Do button that will link with your Foursquare account. If they would open this up to everyone, it would make it a lot easier...I also want to be able to make my own stinkin' badges.

It is lunch week over at All Over Albany and you could win a prize if you take a picture of meal on Wednesday. It is one of the reasons that I am planning on going out to lunch on Wednesday!

Speaking of food, Elizabeth tried the gluten free food at Woodman's and it looks so fookin' good!


  1. A roundup. How fun!

    And, oh my goodness, the clams were fantastic! I really want to go back and try the "Chubby’s Original" clams. Am putting lots of museums on my list to justify the trip.

  2. You need something other than food to justify the trip?


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