Saturday, August 25, 2012

Can you hear me, Major Tom?

Neil Armstrong passed away today.

While I think he mis-delivered his most famous quote (it was a giant step for (a) man, but it was a giant leap for mankind...), he was the nerdy engineer (and yes, being geeky/nerdy is son will be fine, I am okay, and my friends are great while being nerdy...) who was the first man to step on land off of Terra.

His words, while being inaccurate, continue to inspire and compel us to reach for the stars in the most literal manner.

Rest in peace, Neil Armstrong, and may you forever rest among the stars.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Notes from a Thursday

TEA and I made zucchini pancakes last night. Zucchini pancakes were one of the first things that I ever learned to make through experimentation, and while I have refined the recipe* over the years, it is a great memory for me. TEA may not have the same memories from this but it was great fun making it.

We watched a program called Adventure Time. Have you ever watched it? It was trippy. I mean it was really bizarre.

I am surprised that this is marketed as a children's program.
I have a new favorite ice cream. It is Edy's slow churned French Vanilla. Yes, it replaces fat with air is so very very tasty and it absolves some of the guilt that I have for eating ice cream.
TEA and I are looking forward to having another good day together.

*Shred about four cups of zucchini. In a large bowl, combine the zucchini with a cup and a half of flour (I used white but you can adapt this to your dietary requirements), about a tablespoon of olive oil, a pinch of kosher salt, a little more than a pinch of cayenne, a teaspoon of garlic powder, four medium eggs, and lots of fresh ground black pepper. Mix really well. Drop a ladle full on a well oiled pan and flip once, after about four minutes per side. I serve with hot sauce and a little bit of butter.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Metaphysics and the Nine Year Old

TEA and I were talking about birds. We had just watched a hawk fly over head, obviously hunting (or just enjoying the afternoon), and TEA said, "Dad, I think I saw a Phoenix."

"No, buddy, you have not."

"Well, I could have."

"No, TEA, as they exist only in mythology."

"Well, dad, they could exist on different planets in different galaxies."

"I grant you the hypothesis of infinite universe/infinite possibilities."

"And dad, I mean, it has been written down, so they do have kind of an existence. Things like unicorns and dragons are real because people have written them down."

"TEA, I am a bit shocked by this."

"Why, Dad?"

"Because people have been having this argument for 600 years and most people fault to understand it. That you are ten and you get"

"Almost ten, Dad, and it just makes sense."

So, my almost ten year old is capable of wrapping his mind around the idea of the infinite when most people cannot understand that "scientific theory" does not mean that it is untested and unverifiable.

I am so proud of him.

Oh, by the way, this conversation was happening while we were chilling around the pool.

Monday, August 20, 2012

I've got old friends...

I love this song.

In other news...

I have developed the most amazing quick meal. Half a cup of jasmine rice, 3/4 of a cup of low sodium chicken stock, 3/4 water, pinch of salt, black pepper to taste, and a tablespoon of good olive oil. Cook in the microwave on high for 6 minutes then stir, add a cup of mixed frozen veggies, and put back in for another four minutes.

Easy, tasty, and perfect.