Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Metaphysics and the Nine Year Old

TEA and I were talking about birds. We had just watched a hawk fly over head, obviously hunting (or just enjoying the afternoon), and TEA said, "Dad, I think I saw a Phoenix."

"No, buddy, you have not."

"Well, I could have."

"No, TEA, as they exist only in mythology."

"Well, dad, they could exist on different planets in different galaxies."

"I grant you the hypothesis of infinite universe/infinite possibilities."

"And dad, I mean, it has been written down, so they do have kind of an existence. Things like unicorns and dragons are real because people have written them down."

"TEA, I am a bit shocked by this."

"Why, Dad?"

"Because people have been having this argument for 600 years and most people fault to understand it. That you are ten and you get"

"Almost ten, Dad, and it just makes sense."

So, my almost ten year old is capable of wrapping his mind around the idea of the infinite when most people cannot understand that "scientific theory" does not mean that it is untested and unverifiable.

I am so proud of him.

Oh, by the way, this conversation was happening while we were chilling around the pool.

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