Saturday, February 27, 2010

Ricky Gervais Defines Stumble on Sesame Street

Ricky Gervais reading the phonebook would cause me to laugh and chuckle, but pair him with Grover and you have comedy gold.

David Parrothead (aka Searching for his Lost Shaker of Salt) | Room Eight

David Parrothead (aka Searching for his Lost Shaker of Salt) | Room Eight: "In Buffett’s song, Jimmy starts, as noted above, by refusing to lay blame for his pitiable condition. By verse two, as if in an evolving stages of grief scenario, Buffett acknowledges “it could be my fault”; while by the song’s end he admits “it's my own damn fault.”"

The Real Problem With Midichlorians - Star Wars - io9

The Real Problem With Midichlorians - Star Wars - io9

So let's stop using midichlorians as shorthand for "explaining stuff which should remain a mystery." Midichlorians are more like "a clumsy retcon that screws up an explanation we already had."

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret

Will Arnett, David Cross, England, and Energy Drinks.

Tip of the hat, to J. Moore for introducing me and apologies to those whom I spammed in my exuberance for this show.

If you liked Tobias Funke and GOB Bluth, you will enjoy this show.

Hopefully, it will be picked up for broadcast on American television...or at least Hulu.

NB: If the embedded player does not work (I am having browser issues with Chrome), this link will take you to the videos listed.

Get aboard, New York?!?

The President Pro Tempore of the New York Senate, Sen. Malcolm A. Smith, wrote an impassioned Opinion Editorial piece in the Albany Times Union about the need for high-speed rail.

Just read it...

After reading it, please tell me what it means.

Sen. Smith's three steps to provide for high-speed rail in NYS do nothing but create a new bureaucracy which spends money and gets nothing done...


Nevermind, that is the purpose of the NYS Senate.

The Horror

(The Awful Ignorant Bigoted Jackassery) Horror

While looking for the Op-Ed that Sen. Smith published on High Speed Rail funding for New York, I saw this linked on the Albany Times Union web site...

The Blue Collar Comedy Tour?!?


The tickets are only $59.50 a is affordable for EVERYONE, right, including the working poor who find Larry the Cable Guy funny and Jeff Foxworthy's Are You Smarter than a Fifth Grader difficult to comprehend.

It made me think of this...

David Cross' "An Open Letter to Larry the Cable Guy"

You can also find the audio of this on YouTube. (Part 1, Part 2)


Once again, the Slate Culture Gabfest had not very interesting but very funny piece today...on ChatRoulette...

After I finished listening to that, I found this on the Awl.

Now, I don't see the point in Chat Roulette, and I really don't care to try it. Me being on the site would be sort of Scott Ritter giving the baby sitter a ride home, but for those of you who don't pay attention to blogs(NSFW according to FAU) and other new media places, like the New York Times (here too), I am asking you, "Will you try it out for 15 minutes?"

Enjoy and remember; guys, no one wants to see yours nuts and berries, and ladies, hot girls don't get nexted.

Bill Murray

I had a friend ask me what my favorite films were last night, and I was putting together a comprehensive list and then I realized a full quarter of my top twenty stared Bill Murray.

Then the Slate Culture Gabfest was talking about Ricky Geravais and how he can either go the route of Mike Myers (awful, unfunny, played out) or...wait for it...Bill Murray.

So...that being no particular order (with video clips when available), my favorite Bill Murray films.

- Groundhog Day

- Ghostbusters

- Caddyshack

- Lost in Translation

- Broken Flowers


This is an entirely creepy app, however, I am sure that once it comes to the iPhone, I will be sure to install it.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Celebrate the end of love?

Check this piece from the Albany Times Union regarding divorce

This may be going a bit far (which I am admitting), however, celebrating divorce is akin to celebrating cancer because it allows people to prioritize the important parts of their lives.

Once Again

I woke up again with this song in my head...

I believe is was in a dream.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Isn't He Adorable?

He is happily sleeping and he has both a Union blanket and pillow to keep him company.