Saturday, January 14, 2012

PotD - Picture in Picture

Yeah, Miss America is more competitive than the Broncos game.

(Yes, my hope was to post the final score with the Patriots (Cowboys East) losing to the Broncos. That does not look like it is going to happen.)

(Why are all the women in this orange? Are they Oomph Loompahs?)

Thursday, January 12, 2012

PotD -Twinkies!

Tallahassee loves Twinkies. Food for the ZA!

Yes, they may be going away, but they may not be...

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

PotD - Announcing Your Intentions

Nothing inspires confidence like these...

"I'm the Flash and I am the Fastest Man alive!"

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Watching the speeches from the "winners" in New Hampshire, I was struck by the rhetoric that was being put forth to the point where I wondered if we were talking about the same country.

I then proceeded to watch two documentaries about the DPRK so that I was able to have some perspective.

Perspective gained.

PotD - Ramen

So tasty...

Now with actual chicken!

The Dream

There were a number of weird things going on with my subconscious last night.

We were staying at this wonderful beach house that sat on a bluff overlooking the ocean and it was a long walk via a rickety wooden staircase to the ocean. (This detail seems meaningless, but there were many trips up and down the set of stairs, including one with a large raft.)

There were many cameos by friends (you were there, and you were there, and you were there!) and there were some wonderful moments with beer and bourbon.

Towards the end of the dream, it got weird. The beach house's attic was a gateway to a Mayan temple and the ghosts of the temple possessed Danny (the friend of TEA's that was on vacation with us) through the bite of a large blue rat that dragged him up to the attic and then dropped him. Yes, he was injured.

It was very odd and it transitioned in an odd way, which I suppose is a lot like life. Life is great until it isn't and you are dragged into a haunted attic by a possessed blue rat.

Or maybe that is just how my life works.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Sunday, January 8, 2012

PotD - Giants Win!

Did you expect anything else?

This is Giants football!

It was a great afternoon with (redacted) and Teacher Dave.

There was also beer and pizza.

It was almost a perfect day. (Not hanging out with TEA is the delimiter. It has nothing to do with breakfast foods.)