Saturday, September 1, 2012

Take a look at me now...

Remember the episode of TAL when Starlee Kine has a bad breakup and writes her own song in the style of Phil Collins?

As I was taking a stroll this morning, "Take A Look At Me Now (Against All Odds)" came up on the shuffle and I really listened to it for the first time in years.

Maybe it is because I am older, maybe it is because I have experienced actual heartbreak, but...this...hit me so much harder than it ever had before.

I had to listen to it twice.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Three songs the I have heard while...

Sitting at the pool, starting my Labor Day Weekend (Feast of St. Nedrius for those of you who are observant.) and I want to share them with you. Because I am douchey like that...

Bob Mould - Wishing Well

When this song came up on shuffle a couple of weeks ago, I forgot how ,uh I loved this album and had some regret that I did not own it when I was 15.

Sleater Kinney - Words and Guitar

Yes, Dorayne, this iPhone is a lot cooler now that it is in my possession.

Wham! - Freedom

Come on, you know that you love it.

I hope that everyone has a pleasant and safe Labor Day Weekend and for those of you who wish to celebrate the Feast of St. Nedrius, please send me an e-mail or a text.

Thursday, August 30, 2012


I am all about the snark, especially when it comes to tech...

But this is too much...

Or I am getting far too old.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Reasons why I am an Idiot

1) Every so often, I will work out to the point where my arms and shoulders shake. They shake badly enough that I have to press my arms against my body in order type this.

2) Trusting automated systems to operating across platforms. I was using an autofill to help with documents. Yesterday, I realized that I was sending out documents (a good number of them applications) that had the wrong phone number. The autofill, for some reason, had conflated two numbers into one that did not exist. Yes, I am awesome.

3) Last week, I mentioned that one of the things of adulthood that I like is being able to wait for food to cool before eating it in order to avoid a third degree burn. Yes, this is an amazing skill that I have developed in regard to pizza. However, after the workout from the first item, I am famished, and waiting for the pizza to cool to levels that will not render me mute with pain, flesh hanging down in a stringy mass from the roof of my mouth, is difficult. I should have eaten before, at least once, embarking on working out.

4) I am not the only person who does this, but...I have invested far too much time in people and relationships that are not great for me at their best, and then I wonder why these people are completely shitty in their actions towards me. Really? Maybe it is because I have allowed them to treat me poorly. I am learning a lesson that my son already knows.

5) Why do I try to interact with cats? They leave me itchy, with swollen eyes, and desperately looking for an antihistamine.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Monday Monday

How was your weekend? Mine was great!

It was beautiful and I spent a large percentage of it at the pool. I also spent a large percentage of the dark hours watching the first three seasons of Community (#SixSeasonsandaMovie) on DVD.

While I was at the pool, I listened to a lecture by Andrew Jamison, author of Hubris and Hybrids, about emerging technologies as agents for social change. It was interesting in a way and then it became hilarious. Dr. Jamison offered that because "normal" people (read, non-academics, which is a distinction that a number of my academic friends make...granted, the people that I know who have medical degrees or are working scientists do not make this distinction, but I digress) need to understand this technology, there should be kiosks set up in malls to educate the,. How considerate of you, Dr. Jamison. That is lovely. I will get my Cinnabon, jewelry at Claire's, and then I will learn about molecular elevators. Woo!


Does anyone know of a good app that will edit PDFs on the iPad?

Now that a court has rules that Droid phones are a cheap knock off of iOS devices, will they get FaceTime?

Why is the only day that rain is scheduled for over the next week happens to fall on Monday next?

Are the Jets ever going to score a touchdown?