Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Organic Soba with a spicy garlic broth.

Wonderfully tasty!

Please donate to Movember!

Movember Update!

I just want this to go away.

I will post a Movember video update at some point this afternoon.

Please donate to Movember!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I am sure that someone thought that this was a good idea

Someone out there still believes that Friendster is relevent.

Good for them. That type of delusion is what makes America great.

Like Lou Dobbs running for President.

Or Sarah Palin writing a book.

See, those are things that a rational person could never see something like that happening.

Oh, hold on.

What? Lou Dobbs is running for President?


Good Luck, Friendster!

Please donate to Movember!

Movember Update

We are in the final days of this.

Just think...for $10 you can support both my awful mo and help with prostate and testicular cancer.

For two pints of beer (or one mixed drink) you can help. And it may be something to talk about at Thanksgiving. You know other than making fun of your gay cousin who has gone to that camp to go "straight" and married someone who looks likes Harry Carson in a skirt.

Thank you to those who have donated!

Please donate to Movember!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

On the train, with a Mo

Wow! I look like a douchebag.

No, seriously. I look awful.

Please donate to Movember!

Sunday Morning Mo

A mo at 8 am is terrifying.

Please donate to Movember!