Saturday, August 29, 2009


I made the mistake of street riding today as well as wearing shoes (as
it is cold here in Albany) without taping up my toe. (buddy taping)

Right now, my foot is causing me great pain and because I had a beer
with lunch, a painkiller is out of the question.

My hope is that when I tape it up in the morning, I can ride at least
to Troy and back, pain free.


Planning a beer and run in November (with Ashley) and I want to be
able to actually run it.

As to the run...

Start at Hill Street, run to Susie's, a loop through Washington Park,
down to Tess' Lark Tavern, another loop through the park and finishing
at Legend's...

More details to follow but please let me know if you are interested.

Compositions for the Young and Old

The song that is running through my head this morning.

Compositions for the Young and Old

Rummaging through the attic when I'm home
It brings back those memories to me
I'd amuse myself when i was small
When i was younger, the simplest things would do
Now I'm on everybody's mailing list
For things I can't afford to buy
I hear the weatherman
He says "it looks like rain for a while"
I guess I'll have to stay inside
Make peanut butter sandwiches and cry

A Tax on the Math Impaired

Yes, I know the chances of me winning are astronomical. 

Yes, I know that unearned wealth is awful.

That being said, I had to play last night.  $330 million could have done a lot a good for my friends and family.

Think of the life that I could have given TEA, the debts of friends that I could pay off, the promise of stability for my parents, and my brother and sister.


Of course, I didn't win and I am not going to play again, but...I like the dreams of being able to help my friends and family forever...and that makes me happy...

I wish that I could help them now, but...I am just me...and me is okay...

Friday, August 28, 2009


Via The Onion


You need a little bit of music to remind you that life if pretty good. Even if you don't like Marley, or the song, take a minute and listen and appreciate what is good in life.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Personal Statement

I have been eliminating people in my life who cause me harm...even when they don't mean to be causing me harm...

Not physical harm, but at some points physical harm has occurred.

I know that I love these people and I know that they love me, but...


And it hasn't been deliberate. It has been subconscious. Reacting to things that I wouldn't react to before. Reacting in a way that was totally overblown to the perceived sin/slight.

Maybe, because I have always been capable of forgiveness, this is me telling myself that I need to go on some sort of vision quest and leave the world behind...

It is all on me, and after a lot of self reflection, I know that is what is happening...and I hate myself for it...

Because it isn't what I want....I want these people in my life but...on my terms, which is unfair...and I don't know what to do...or how to apologize and be honest...

So...there is that.

I probably just need a beer.

I'm full of good intentions, like I never was before

Shackled Mothers?

David Paterson signed a bill that makes it illegal in most cases to shackle a prison inmate during childbirth. [AP/CBS6]

How often does this happen that we need a law?  The article indicated that it was because some of these mothers may be a threat to themselves.  They certainly are not a flight risk.  I have some friends that either were (Welcome to the world, Myla, you are beautiful and you have two of the greatest people in the world as parents) heavy with child recently or are ready to pop like a tick three days too long on a Basset hound (but you are going to be a great older brother, TEA, and I wish that I had an older brother like you) and walking for these women was difficult.

Now, these could be women like the ones on I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant  and maybe they aren't showing and they are going to run and leave their baby behind but...

That seems really unlikely.


It had been the policy of New York State (until Gov. Paterson changed it) to shackle women to the bed during child birth...I had to type that out again because it seems horrific.

via AoA

Of Human Suffering

Will Ted Kennedy Upstage The Most Heartbreaking Moment In The Health Care Debate?

...the video shows a middle-aged woman at a town hall meeting explaining to Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) how her husband's insurance was canceled while in a nursing home. "Senator Coburn," the woman cries out in anguish, "We need help!" She then tries to explain over her own tears how her husband cannot even eat or drink properly as a result of not having coverage to pay for care.

Coburn's reaction to the pleas for help is what makes the clip so arresting.

At first, Coburn assures her that his office will get her some assistance, but then he hedges. Rather than approaching the woman to comfort her, Coburn tells the town hall attendees to remember that neighbors must help other neighbors, and concludes,"The idea that the government is the solution to our problems is an inaccurate — a very inaccurate statement." In reply to the desperate plea for help from a constituent, Coburn serves up a cold spoonful of Republican ideology.

Via Rachel Sklar

The Best Way To Wake Up

Radiohead.  Live.  Prague.

PMA has Radiohead's concert fro August 23rd up and it is...

Well, Pretty Much Amazing.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I have no clue why this showed up...


Do I fit the profile?

Facebook's Twitter-Killer iPhone App.

From The Business Insider

The new app will include features:

  • Facebook's "new" News Feed
  • The ability to "Like" updates.
  • Events (including the ability to RSVP)
  • Notes, Facebook's blogging app.
  • Pages, Facebook accounts for companies and celebrities.
  • Improved photo-management.
  • A new home screen for easy access to all your stuff, search, and notifications
  • The ability to add your favorite profiles and pages to the home screen
  • Better Notifications (they link to the comments so you can reply)
  • Quickly call or text people right from the Friends page
  • Messages you are typing will be restored if you quit or are interrupted by a phone call

Senator Kennedy

When I woke up this morning, my father (I am still in the Berkshires) told me that Sen. Kennedy had passed away.  Having just awoken, I did not have the filter that goes between brain and mouth in place, and I said, "Oh sh*t, there goes health care."

I do not feel good about that statement.

The Lion of the Senate is dead and I was thinking about Obama's already doomed Health Care plan.

Time Magazine called him the brother that mattered most.  This is untrue while being completely true which is the paradox of being a Kennedy.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

How to realize that you are aging.

...when you start getting targeted advertising for "mature singles" on social networking sites.

Give a man a fish...he eats for a day...

But loan fishing poles to children, and teach a lifetime of cruelty and torture. 

Via AoA

Greatest. Fightscene. Ever

(Thanks to Lux for this.)

For 15 Years...

I have been calling for this...

Do you support or oppose having a New York State Constitutional Convention in which delegates propose changes to the State Constitution for voters to approve or reject?
Support: 63% | Oppose: 25% | Don't know: 11%
(Source: AoA)

And now other people are getting on my bandwagon, at least according to the New York Times...

The problem with this is that now that someone, probably someone with a good government group, or someone seeing this as an 'academic' exercise, is going to demand direct democracy in the form of ballot initiatives and while I fail to trust the most elected officials, I trust the public even less. 

I spoke with a number of people about limiting the franchise of those who do not have a stake in the long term prosperity of society (told you I was embracing fascism, y'all) and I was able to get some agreement (though FAU thought I was off my proverbial rocker).

What we need is a strong governor, a unicameral legislature and real and complete tort reform.

Once that happens, my larger plan of eliminating most of the entitlements for Upstate NY (does every county need a SUNY?) that suck up my tax dollars will go into effect.

Join me, or be lost in the purges.

Something Shocking

I find myself agreeing with Kristi Gustafson.

"Did 'metrosexual' dry up like last season's face cream?"

The label, it seems, has all but died. I'm thinking this is partially because men who pay extra loving care to their appearance are as common as the NASCAR-loving, Carhart-wearing bunch. It also may be due, in part, to the fact as each year passes people are less defined by their sexual identity, and therefore no one much cares if a man is gay, metrosexual or some other term sure to burgeon in the next decade.

Making Do With Less

The Huge Gap Between a Dentist and a Job

For those without insurance, and on Unemployment, hard choices have to be made.  In this case, looking for a job with a gap in his smile.

The Imperial Mayor

The Untouchable from The New Yorker

This is a wonderful read about Mayor Mike and his vision for the campaign...the good and the bad.

Take the time to read it...

From Xkcd

Monday, August 24, 2009

When I am down, I cook.

Grilled Basil Potatoes.

Jamison's Glazed Petite Filet Mignon

Garlic Roasted Lobster Tail

What should I do for the vegetable?

Interesting in a navel gazing sort of way.

I have something that I am supposed to be doing...but...

I feel this compelling need to write say some of the things that have been resting heavily upon my chest for a long time: choices that I have made or failed to have made (therefore choosing not to choose) and coming to terms with mistakes I have made.

But...I just can't.

I can'r commit the words, because words have power, and every time I have ever opened myself up to something like real emotions and self reflection, I end up feeling not the catharsis that should come, but more doubt, more self recrimination, and I just don't want to do that to myself right now.


I can no longer is that too...

A Mathematical Truth About G*d?

The Self Thinking Thought.

I really don't know what to say about this...I mean, I am used to the Times doing odd things, but this is out of the ordinary.

If you want something interesting, this piece on Ted Olson (Former Solicitor General for W., now advocating for SSM) is a wonderful read and helps take on some of the misconceptions about conservatives being against SSM.

And yes, it was a conscious thought to go from the existence of G*d to SSM. 

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Interesting Movie for a Sunday Morning

As my life is considerably odd right now, watching Lars and the Real Girl (It was on Showtime West starting at 10:00 am EDT.) was probably not the best choice.

Smart People, Help Me Out

Did Freud actually say this?

"This is one race of people for whom psychoanalysis is of no use whatsoever" (Sigmund Freud - about the Irish)

The message boards say "no", however, Cahill references it in "How the Irish Saved Civilization" (where I first read it) and after watching The Departed last night (where Matt Damon says it [by the way, Matt Damon looks so much better when his face is bruised] to his psychologist girlfriend.) and it made me wonder.

On a Train Again

While most people prefer their cars, I have always preferred mass transit. Maybe it is because I don't have to pay attention to anything but my own thoughts (and the media I am consuming at the time [right now, Nice Dream by Radiohead]) and let someone else guide me to the destination that I wish to reach.

Giving up the illusion of control when traveling is refreshing. I don't have to worry about traffic, or road construction or that douchebag next to me who is eating a fast food burger while singing along at the top of his lungs to Toby Keith.

I am trying to escape the city again by going back to the Berkshires. I love the Berkshires because they are everything that I city isn't. Quiet, pastoral, peaceful and achingly beautiful. I also know that in less than an hour, I can be back home. Where the bartenders know what Anchor Steam is and I can find a decent raw bar when I am looking for it.

I could never live there, but I love having it as an option, and with a very cheap train ticket, I will be there quickly.

(This was written yesterday afternoon, but there was spotty coverage...sorry for posting it late.)