Thursday, January 1, 2009


Why do superheroes/meta-humans in the DC Universe always fall for reporters?

Superman for Lois.

The Flash for Iris.

Batman for Vicki Vale.

What is it about their lack of instinct for self preservation?

I thought about calling BaristaBabe or Sandors about this, but decided to see if the eight people (those two are part of the ten) who read this had any ideas...

How to start a New Years’ Day…or not…

Waking up after dreaming of seeing a friend in improbable circumstances…

Check the BlackBerry (e-mails, Google News, RSS Feeds) and nothing looks more urgent than the dog that has gotten out of bed and has started whining

about wanting to go out.

Throw on a warm sweater and yesterday's jeans.

Warm wash cloth over my neck and face.

Boots (not making the mistake of the all weather clogs like I did yesterday), jacket, and hat.

Walk the dog…or allow the dog to walk me.


NPR on the radio. Grind the beans. Coffee brewing.

NPR more annoying than usual with a musical retrospective on the year that was featuring music from Annie and Anne Murray. (Really, WAMC? That's the best you've g

ot?) I am disappointed.

The Stones replace NPR, from when they were relevant and hungry and when their music was anything but the parody of itself that it has become.

Reading material in front of me; periodicals, books, graphic novels, mind candy.

Snuggled up with the dog, sipping coffee, reading, listening to the Stones…I am going to spend more of my day like this.

Love starting the New Year without a hangover.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Messes: Kennedy Coup Continues Collapse!

Messes: Kennedy Coup Continues Collapse!:

"...the Kennedy backlash is entirely the fault of the candidate, not overaggressive lobbying by anyone. The candidate is unqualified and misty-brained and aloof and vague."

Something I noticed yesterday...

The most popular phrase that brings people to my blog is...

wait for it...

"Nate Silver Blog Crush"

As heard on WAMC

There are bad sports teams, and then there are the Detroit Lions.


Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Targeted Advertising

I wonder about what in my content forces this advertisement upon those who come to see this blog on a semi-regular basis...and there are ten of you... Animals That Will Kill Yo A$$ 2009 Wall Calendar: Office Products Animals That Will Kill Yo A$$ 2009 Wall Calendar: Office Products


Bias... - Capital Region residents react to violence in Gaza

WNYT (The NBC affiliate in Albany, NY) interviews a Rabbi and Dr. Berk (who teaches a Holocaust course as well as does tours of Europe and Israel for Jewish groups) regarding the activities of the IDF when it comes to four days of air raids in Palestine, and only mentions that there will be a rally in Albany against these bombings (or as some may call them, Dresden-like war crimes, but I have a bias as well).


"A tragic necessity?"


"A war to the bitter end" is "a tragic necessity"?

That seems like hyperbole of the highest order.

I know that FAU will disagree with well as many other...


Alex Balk - In the long run...

Having seen the film (again) just yesterday, it was another thing that I picked up on, that I had ignored the first (two) times through...

More on Kennedy' know...problem...

PolySigh: A Double Standard in Transcription?:

"Why the apparent double standard? During the interview, it seems, Kennedy annoyed the reporters by dismissing one of their questions: 'Have you guys ever thought about writing for, like, a woman’s magazine or something?'

Perhaps, like, the verbatim transcription was, you know, uh, payback."


NYS YouTube video pushes gov's 'fat tax' plan -- Page 1 -- Times Union - Albany NY:

"Health Commissioner Richard Daines is seen on the video standing behind a kitchen counter holding an array of props, including cans of soda, glasses of milk and a football-sized lump of fake fat.

On the video, Daines defends the tax proposal, saying it will help the state fight the spread of childhood obesity and save New York money in health care costs."

Op-Ed Columnist - You’re Likable Enough, Gay People -

Op-Ed Columnist - You’re Likable Enough, Gay People -

"Equally lame is the argument mounted by an Obama spokeswoman, Linda Douglass, who talks of how Warren has fought for “people who have H.I.V./AIDS.” Shouldn’t that be the default position of any religious leader? Fighting AIDS is not a get-out-of-homophobia-free card. That Bush finally joined Bono in doing the right thing about AIDS in Africa does not mitigate the gay-baiting of his 2004 campaign, let alone his silence and utter inaction when the epidemic was killing Texans by the thousands, many of them gay men, during his term as governor."

It is still three weeks until the inauguration and the Obama is Bush comparisons have already started...

green plastic radiohead: Jay-Z + Radiohead = Jaydiohead

green plastic radiohead: Jay-Z + Radiohead = Jaydiohead


It's like chocolate and peanut butter!

At least it isn't "Doncha know?"

Michael Calderone's Blog: It's Caroline, you know? - "Ben pointed out that Kennedy said 'you know' 142 times during the NY Times interview, and in typical snark-mode, Gawker recommended a vocal coach after counting 12 'you knows' in under a minute."

Could the second coming be named Tripp?

Palin’s Daughter Gives Birth to Son - "Bristol Palin, 18, gave birth to Tripp Easton Mitchell Johnston on Saturday, People magazine reported online. He weighed 7 pounds, 7 ounces. Colleen Jones, the sister of Bristol's grandmother, told the magazine that ''the baby is fine and Bristol is doing well.'"



Sunday, December 28, 2008

Children's Books Tackle Hurricane Katrina : NPR

Children's Books Tackle Hurricane Katrina : NPR

This story (The Two Bobbies)made me tear up.

Boy Left In Old Diaper Now Critical In Pittsburgh Burn Unit - News-

Boy Left In Old Diaper Now Critical In Pittsburgh Burn Unit - News- "Suffering skin burns from a diaper that likely hadn't been changed in a month, a child was taken to a Pittsburgh hospital for treatment, police said.

The father -- Jesus Rodriguez, 34, of Greensburg -- was arrested Friday on charges of aggravated assault, endangering the welfare of children and reckless endangerment.

Rodriguez's 3-year-old son is in critical but stable condition at West Penn Hospital's burn unit with what police called 'caustic' burns on his legs and genitals"