Thursday, January 1, 2009

How to start a New Years’ Day…or not…

Waking up after dreaming of seeing a friend in improbable circumstances…

Check the BlackBerry (e-mails, Google News, RSS Feeds) and nothing looks more urgent than the dog that has gotten out of bed and has started whining

about wanting to go out.

Throw on a warm sweater and yesterday's jeans.

Warm wash cloth over my neck and face.

Boots (not making the mistake of the all weather clogs like I did yesterday), jacket, and hat.

Walk the dog…or allow the dog to walk me.


NPR on the radio. Grind the beans. Coffee brewing.

NPR more annoying than usual with a musical retrospective on the year that was featuring music from Annie and Anne Murray. (Really, WAMC? That's the best you've g

ot?) I am disappointed.

The Stones replace NPR, from when they were relevant and hungry and when their music was anything but the parody of itself that it has become.

Reading material in front of me; periodicals, books, graphic novels, mind candy.

Snuggled up with the dog, sipping coffee, reading, listening to the Stones…I am going to spend more of my day like this.

Love starting the New Year without a hangover.

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