Friday, May 11, 2012

The Wrong Side of History

Someecards was able to express it well. Not that I am going to say anything awful about North Carolina and her voters. They said everything awful that they needed to.

Bullet Pointing on a Friday

• I forget how different central New York is from other parts of the state and how it is more reflective of the mores of the rest of the country. This is not necessarily a compliment.

• Regarding diner food, which is something that I will get on my high horse about every once in a while, but I understand that some places will not serve the poached eggs on the toast but there is no excuse to bring a poached egg in a bowl where the yolk is broken. No excuse. The diner that I was dining in came highly recommended and I am willing to try it again but...yeah. The portions were huge though and my dining companion had the most amazing combination ever.

• Guayaki Energy Shots taste like lemon flavored evil and I can only assume that Satan will make me drink these when I am in Hell.

• Great Korean food should not use fake seafood.

• is interesting and while I understand how it makes Pinterest look like a beta test, I wonder how it is going to integrate into existing platforms.

• For the record, I am not bald. It is that Mitt Romney hates my haircut and forcibly changes it every time I see him.

• John Travolta gets a lot of massages, doesn't he?

• Finally, check out the shirt on the woman behind me. It is pink and black lace and terrible in awesomeness. Oh, it is also a maternity shirt...which makes it cooler!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Punch Me In The Face

I always hear "punch me in the face" when you're speaking but it is usually subtext.

How often do you hear "punch me in the face" when I am speaking?

No, I do not want to know.

Seriously though, you should be watching Sherlock. When you get done with Sherlock, you can start on Doctor Who. You will thank me for it.

Even AoA thinks that you should be watching.

A Case of the Mondays

The Budos Band Makes Me Happy

How can you not love them?

The Ducks Are Ready For Summer

The ducks were just hanging out in the pool waiting for the summer to begin.

The Avengers
Did you see it?

What did you think? TEA and I saw it over the weekend and he stated that he thought that Iron Man was a better movie but his opinion changed (and he appreciated the movie more) as the day went on. I have a couple of opinions about the film, mostly related to small disappointments that the film was not a Whedonesque as I expected it to be and that there were fewer jokes that left me feeling uncomfortable than I expected. Mark Ruffalo was amazing as Bruce Banner and my first impression of all the performers was that it was amazing to see actors on screen with movie stars and they way that each of them manages their craft. It was a lovely summer film.

And then there is this...

Via Happy Place.

Mad Men
Oh, Pete Campbell! You are a bastard. You cannot do that to Rory! Damn you, Pete!

And Finally - Thanks to the teachers who instilled in me such a love of English that I'm perpetually mortified when reading the Internet.