Friday, July 22, 2016

Bloc Party!

There have been a couple of albums that I have loved as emotional bulwarks. Albums that provide comfort.

Liz Phair's "Exile in Guyville"
The Mountain Goat's "Tallahassee"
Radiohead's "OK Computer"


Bloc Party's "Silent Alarm".

YouTube Video

"The Modern Love" has a really special place in my personal soundtrack, and that it has been included in some media that I love is a way that validates the way I view the song.

So, when I heard about a free show in Albany, at Tricentennial Park, as part of the Alive at Five Series, I was really excited.

It amazing afternoon.

I look so very happy, don't I?

Location:Albany, NY

Monday, July 18, 2016

The Troy Pig Out

So, this past Saturday, TEA and I ventured to Downtown Troy for the 9th Annual Pig Out. It was hot, humid, and well attended. The commingled scents of smoke and meat filled the air. It was nice.

OH: (young woman, sundress, maybe 23) You know, I think I like Troy.

TEA decided on pulled pork from Capital Q. This was a sentimental choice for him as he used to live three blocks away and it was a staple of his diet.

He did make some rookie mistakes though. He choose a large sandwich, he ate the bread, and then he wanted something that was a sliced potato, deep fried, served with nacho cheese and bacon bits.

The nice folks at Foam Brain Games offered a charging station because people were trying to catch the Pokemon, and were encouraged to, as you can see in the video below.

YouTube Video

When it came for me to eat, it was too hot, so TEA and I walked through the Troy Waterfront Farmers Market, looking and deciding, and getting warmer, to Slidin Dirty...

It was a great day!

Location:Riverfront Park, Troy, NY