Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Good Article...Great Close

...bicycle advocates are reduced to illogical, emotional arguments, such as: vehicular cycling requires superhuman capabilities; traffic systems should be designed to be safely negotiated by eight-year-old drivers; riding a bicycle destroys the capability of obeying the rules of the road for drivers of vehicles; becoming a parent or grandparent destroys the capability of obeying the rules of the road for drivers of vehicles; suburbia produces a soul-destroying type of life; the people who live in suburbia were forced to live there, against their will, by a conspiracy of oil companies, motor manufacturers, highway builders, and real-estate developers; mass transit systems, particularly heavy rail, perform a great public benefit and must not be criticized...

Emotional Controversy

I do not disagree with the bolded statement

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Highlights (Heh) From This Mornings Dreams

1) I had a refrigerator that would automagically provide cold pizza. It tasted bad.

2) I was forced to volunteer in a mental hospital and I was meeting with someone who was dysphoric in addition to being psychotic. While "she" and her case worker were talking over something, an older man wearing a conductor's uniform and holding a utility knife threatened to violently sexually assault me. I was able to handle the situation and managed not to cut off all of Raping Conductor's fingers.

3) My son, TEA, had a doll that could talk, and there was a great debate, between the doll and I about, about the legitimacy of President Obama's plan in Afghanistan.