Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Bloomsday is June 16th

"Think you're escaping and run into yourself. Longest way round is the shortest way home."
— James Joyce

I love Bloomsday for number of reasons. They all revolve around it being fun, quirky, literate, and often involving beer and groups of friends and "friends".

Most of the social activities I like to engage in are quirky (or weird according to some folks) and literate, with great conversation with friends (or "friends"), and copious amounts of good beer...or bad/cheap beer.* Another note about my friends and interesting and quirky things: Do you know how happy it makes when I realize that I am the intellectual runt of the litter of my friends? It is awesome. These amazing people, who on occasion will request my presence at some event, are always challenging me, edifying me, and keeping me in my place. They are awesome and they are better in large groups with...well...beer.

Let me make a suggestion for your Thursday: Spend time with your friends, have a beer, have interesting conversations and enjoy yourself. Maybe even talk about Ulysses.

Oh, and while you are at it, think about what you are going to be doing on Thursday, July 7th. What are you going to be doing? You are going to be at the Great Beer Walk(sign up on Facebook).

*See my (some would say inexplicable) love of ice cold PBR.

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