Sunday, February 1, 2009

Why Felix? Oh! That's why.

Battlestar Galactica Review: Why Is Gaeta So Bad?:

"Last night's Battlestar Galactica episode, 'The Oath,' about a violent, tragic anti-cylon rebellion in the Fleet, was one of the series' best. It was also a character study of how a good person goes bad."

In a quote from a friends-locked LiveJournal entry, a friend says, "I look forward to watching Felix die a very slow and very painful death. Every time he winced as a result of his leg I felt a little jolt of glee."

One has to ask, what is the point of this character?

For years, this very compelling series has been a sci-fi counterpoint to post 9/11 America. It was "24" where the end of the crisis was ALWAYS much more terrifying (in terms of the human capacity for self deception wrapped in righteousness) than the end game that was envisioned in the mind's eye.

Gaeta, in an Obama-verse, is the failure of the belief in hope. What hope ultimately grants you is delusion.

So Say We All.

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