Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Linux News: Social Networking: Avatars in Tuxes: Second Life Hosts Inaugural Ball:

"There are those who would dismiss Second Life's Inaugural Ball as a mere novelty, but it is more akin to the novelty of a first black president: It may be hailed for the moment as something sparkly and new, and, in truth, the initial moment may be little more than fanfare, but still the event marks an undeniable change in the future evermore."

A) I dismiss it out of hand.
B) It is not at all like an African American President.
C) See A.

People, Second Life is dead. It was dead from the beginning.

It will not rise from the grave that the zombie of your choice to terrorize young children, nor will it spur more investment in those interwebs that people are talking about.


Like the Apple Newton...or decent dramas on broadcast television.

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