Sunday, January 18, 2009

Just Relax Just Relax

Cannibal Cheerleader: Never Gonna Let You Down Now...:

"An amusing anecdote for the Cannibal Cheerleader faithful. It's no small secret that we're huge horror fans here at CC, so imagine our surprise when we Google 'cannibal cheerleader' and come across an upcoming film featuring just that - a cheerleader who goes about slaughtering and devouring her male classmates. Yes it seems that Diablo Cody of Juno fame long ago penned a horror script entitled Jennifer's Body (titled perhaps off the Hole track of the same name from their seminal LP Live Through This) and its currently being produced with eyes on a September release. Starring Megan Fox as the title character and featuring dark humor (ala Heathers), oodles of gore, and much talked about female nudity, we have already labeled Jennifer's Body as the best film of 2009. Now, some may disagree about labeling any piece of media as the 'best of' this early in the year. However, we at Cannibal Cheerleader think that we've found the cinematic equivalent of Merriweather Post Pavillion for 2009, and we plan to bring you obsessive coverage of the film throughout the year. Brace yourselves.

Hole - 'Jennifer's Body'"

While I am interested, Diablo F'ing Cody...really?

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